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论人与自然关系的伦理之维 【原文出处】上海师范大学学报:哲社版 【原刊期号】20062 【原刊页号】12~19 【分 类 号】B8 【分 类 名】伦理学 【复印期号】200606 【英文标题】On the Ethical Dimension of the Relationship Between Man and Nature CHEN Aihua ( Department of Philosophy and Science, Southeast China University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210096, China) 【文章日期】2005-11-20 【作 者】陈爱华 【作者简介】陈爱华,东南大学哲学与科学系教授,哲学博士,主要从事科学伦理学、国外马克思主义研究。(南京 210096) 【内容提要】自从有人类以来,自然不再是纯粹的自然——凡是在人迹所至之处,自然均或多或少地打上了人的印记,这样自然就成为“历史的自然”,成为“人的无机的身体”和生存环境。随着科学技术的迅猛发展,人与自然伦理关系的传统和谐状况遭到严峻的挑战,环境伦理问题、资源伦理问题日益凸显。为了解决这些问题,人必须在人与自然关系的一定的伦理理念与伦理规范的统摄下,以恰当的方式开发和利用自然,同时又能适应自然、欣赏自然、爱护自然、保护自然,进而促进人—自然(环境)—社会系统协同发展。 【摘 要 题】应用伦理 【英文摘要】Nature has been no longer pure since the appearance of human beings. Where there are human beings, nature is impressed with human signs. Therefore, nature has become nature of history , the inorganic body of man and the environment for human survival. Along with the rapid development of science and technology, the traditional harmonious state of the ethical relationship between man and nature is sternly challenged, and ethical problems in environment and resources are becoming increasingly severe. In order to solve these problems, human beings, governed by certain ethical ideas and ethical rules of the relationship between man and nature, must develop and utilize nature in proper ways. Meanwhile, we human beings should be able to adapt ourselves to nature, to appreciate nature, cherish nature and protect nature so that we may promote the coordinated development of human beings, natural environment and social systems. 【关 键 词】人与自然伦理关系/历史的自然/自然的历史/环境伦理 ethical relationship between man and nature/historical nature/natural history/environmental ethics 【参考文献】 [1]周易·坤·彖[Z]. [2]张载集·正蒙·乾称[Z]. [3]亚里士多德. 形而上学[M]. 吴寿彭译. 北京:商务印书馆,1997. [4]亚里士多德. 物理学[M]. 张竹明译. 北京:商务印书馆,1982. [5]柯林伍德. 自然的观念[M]. 吴国盛等译. 北京:华夏出版社,1998. [6]吴国盛. 自然哲学的历史与现状[J]. 自然辩证法研究,1990. [7]伽利略. 关于托勒密和哥白尼两大世界体系的对话[M]. 上海:上海人民出版社,1974. [8]福斯特. 生态与人


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