《大高考》高考英语(全国通用)二轮复习配套课件:专题三 形容词和副词.ppt

《大高考》高考英语(全国通用)二轮复习配套课件:专题三 形容词和副词.ppt

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《大高考》高考英语(全国通用)二轮复习配套课件:专题三 形容词和副词

3.倍数表达法 (1)倍数+as+原级形容词(副词)+as... (2)倍数+the size/length/width/depth/height of... (3)倍数+比较级+than+被比较对象 这棵树比那棵树高一倍。 This tree is twice as tall as that one. This tree is twice the height of that one. The tree is twice taller than that one. (1)“half +as+形容词原级+as” ……的一半…… My English is not half as good as yours. 我的英语不如你的一半好。 This town is half as big as ours. 这个城镇有我们城镇的一半大。 (2)“as...as”结构中,若形容词作定语修饰可数名词单数,不定冠词a(an)应置于形容词与名词之间。 English is as important a subject as maths. 英语是和数学同样重要的一门学科。 【温馨提示1】 对两个相同概念的词的对比,要特别注意不要漏掉后面的名词。 [辨析] 北京的冬天比上海要冷。 It is colder in Beijing in winter than Shanghai.(×) It is colder in Beijing in winter than in Shanghai.(√) 此句是对两个地点的天气进行比较,而不是对北京的天气同上海这一城市进行比较。常见的类似错误还有: Your pencil is longer than him.(him应为his) There are more students in Class 3 than Class 4.(Class 4应为in Class 4) 考点二 形容词最高级的用法 1.三者或三者以上相比较,用“the+最高级+名词+范围”结构。 This is the cleanest place of the city. 这是这个城市最干净的地方。 Li Yun is the fastest of all the girls in our class. 李云是我们班女生中跑得最快的。 2.表示“最……之一”,用“one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词”。 The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest buildings in the world. 中国的长城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。 This is one of the most interesting books that Ive ever read.这是我读过的最有趣的书之一。 3.否定词(no/not/nothing/never)和比较级连用可以表示最高级的含义。 We couldnt feel better.我们感觉太好了。 Nothing is more valuable than health.健康最重要。 考点三 几个无比较意义的比较级句型归纳 1.no more than =only 只有,仅仅,只不过 What he is saying is no more than a joke. 他所讲的只不过是个玩笑而已。 There are no more than a hundred people in the hall. 大厅里只有100人。 2.not more than=at the most 不超过,至多 There are not more than a hundred people in the hall. 大厅里至多100人。 3.no less than 多达,不少于 He walks no less than five miles to school. 他上学至少要走五英里。 4.less than 不到,不太,极不 I wont take less than $5,000 for my car. 我的汽车低于5 000美元不卖。 The boys were less than happy about having a party. 开晚会男孩子并不很高兴。 Doctors have been less than successful in treating this condition. 医生在治疗这种病时极不成功。 5.more than 多于,超过(=over,后接数词);不只是(=not only,后接名词、动词或副词);非常,十分(=very,后接形容词、副词、动词或分词);难以,完全不能(用于more than...can...) He w



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