cross-culturecommunicationcross-culture communicationcross-culture communicationcross-culture communication.ppt

cross-culturecommunicationcross-culture communicationcross-culture communicationcross-culture communication.ppt

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CROSS-CULTURE COMMUNICATION By VENKATESAN.T “The reasonable person adapts himself to the world, while the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself” What is a culture? Culture is the lens through which you view the world. It is central to what you see, How you make sense of what you see, How you express yourself. Four Fundamental Patterns of Cultural Difference What is different? Communication Styles Attitudes toward conflicts Decision making style Approaches to knowing Cross Culture Communication Intercultural Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between people whose cultural background could lead them to interpret verbal and non-verbal signs differently. Why Cross Culture Communication is important ? Globalization: Cross border movement of people, goods and data brings more and more cultures into contact with one another and increases the potential of cross culture communication. Business Opportunities Job Opportunities Improves the contribution of employees in a diverse workforce Sharing of views and ideas Talent improvisation An understanding of diverse market High Context and Low Context Cultures High Context Culture:- Cultures that rely heavily on non-verbal and subtle situational cues in communication. Low Context Culture:- Cultures that rely heavily on words to convey meaning in communication. Eye Contact In some cultures, looking people in the eye is assumed to indicate honesty and straightforwardness; in others it is seen as challenging and rude. In USA, the cheapest, most effective way to connect with people is to look them into the eye. Most people in Arab culture share a great deal of eye contact and may regard too little as disrespectful. In English culture, a certain amount of eye contact is required, but too much makes many people uncomfortable. In South Asian and many other cultures direct eye contact is generally regarded as aggressive and rude. Cont…



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