cif required tems for singlecif required items for singlecif required items for singlecif required items for single.doc

cif required tems for singlecif required items for singlecif required items for singlecif required items for single.doc

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CIF required items for single-crystal reports This page lists the data items that are required for a single-crystal study. For a list of items to include in a powder diffraction study, please click here. Detailed descriptions of these data items are given in the core CIF dictionary [see also Hall et al. (1991). Acta Cryst. A47, 655-685]. New names listed below are flagged with (new) and in some cases are followed by old names [in regular type and flagged with (old)] which are accepted but will be discontinued in the future. Authors may also include other data items in the CIF (see the two _publ_manuscript_incl_extra_ entries towards the end of the list) provided their data names are also listed in the _publ_contact_letter text. Text items _publ_contact_author_name Contact authors name _publ_contact_author_address Contact authors address _publ_contact_author Contact authors name and address (old) _publ_contact_author_email E-mail address to be published _publ_contact_author_fax For editorial communications _publ_contact_author_phone For editorial communications _publ_contact_letter Letter of submission, with date _publ_requested_journal Acta Crystallographica Section C _publ_section_title Title of paper _publ_section_title_footnote Footnote to title of paper _publ_author_name List of author(s) name(s) _publ_author_footnote Footnote(s) to author(s) name(s) _publ_author_address Author(s) address(es) _publ_section_synopsis Synopsis for compounds that cannot be shown as a chemical diagram. Not required for Acta Cryst. Section E. _publ_section_abstract Abstract of paper in English _publ_section_comment or loop_ _publ_body_element _publ_body_title _publ_body_contents (author defined sections; use of recommended) Discussion of study _publ_section_acknowledgements Acknowledgements _publ_section_references References _publ_section_figure_captions Legends to figures ? ? Experimental data (machine and author ge



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