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Elegant and Subtle Beauty An Exhibition on Chinese Calligraphy, Painting and Study Objects 笔墨情致——中国书画文房展 Foreword Chinese painting and calligraphy has a very long history, during which it formed its own art culture that is completely different from western painting, and has become an important token of Chinese arts civilization. The development of Chinese painting and calligraphy is the blessing of the involvement of scholars. As one of the amusement forms for ancient scholars, Chinese calligraphy and painting has gradually become a voluntary pursuit for mind and soul cultivation. Just because of this, Chinese painting devotes much attention to the painter’s inner intellect moral quality and art merit. The tools that are used to create artwork, as well as the environment in which they are going to create the art. To respond to the aesthetic taste of Chinese people, such tools as the brush, ink, paper, inkstone, seal, and pen-cleaning tools were quickly developed, as well as the desk setting in the study . Some of these items are extremely elegant and exquisite in their shape and texture. Because these tools themselves are delicate and aesthetically beautiful, they have become a unique art of appreciation and carrier of culture. Chinese painting and calligraphy is imbued with an essence and distinct qualities that differ from that of Western painting. However, most Western audiences have not been in a position to develop a deep artistic appreciation of Chinese painting and calligraphy. This exhibition is aimed to present a relatively comprehensive survey of this art form and introduce the tools to create this art through real-life situational exhibits. 展览前言 中国书画艺术源远流长,在其漫长的发展历程中,形成了完全不同于西方绘画的艺术体系,并成为中华艺术文明的重要表征。中国书画艺术的发展得益于文人士大夫阶层的介入,作为中国古代知识阶层的消遣方式之一,中国书画的创作逐渐成为知识分子修身养性、陶冶情操的一种自觉追求。正因为如此,中国书画十分重视创作者内在的文化素养、道德修为和艺术功力,对书写用具和创作环境也格外讲究。为了迎合这种独特的审美情趣,作为创作辅助用具的笔、墨、纸、砚、印、洗,以及书房的陈设,也随之发展起来。有些物品的造型和材质,甚至达到了无以复加的典雅与精致。中国书画文房用品本身所具有的这种儒风雅韵,也使它们自身发展成为一种独特的鉴赏艺术和文化载体。


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