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The interpretation of traditional Chinese medical professionalism Zhang Daqing ? 1、Medical beneficence: the sources of traditional Chinese medical ideas The Confucian principle of “love others” expresses the idea of respecting human lives. 《黄帝内经》:天覆地载,万物备悉,莫贵于人。孙思邈:“人命至重,有贵千金。” 儒家认为仁爱是医生美德的体现。 范晔赞扬东汉医生郭玉“仁爱不矜,虽贫贱厮养,必尽其心力……” 由于医患之间事实上的不平等地位,儒家十分强调医生的“慎独”和“推己及人”。 杨泉:夫医者,非仁爱之士,不可托也,非聪明理达,不可任也,非廉洁淳良,不可信也。是以古之用医,必选名姓之后,其德能仁恕博爱。 葛洪:“欲求仙者,要当以忠孝和顺仁信为本,若德行不修,而但务方术,皆不得长生也。”“欲求长生者,必欲积善立功” 天道循环,善恶承负是道教重视行善积德的伦理基础。 道教除相信天道承负外,还相信现实的因果报应,即吉凶祸福乃是个人行为善恶的必然报应。 Under the influence of the Buddhist ideas of cause and effect and donation causing happiness , many Buddhists take the practice of medicine as a way to do good. The idea of rebirth and retribution of good and evil is an important part of Buddhist ethics. Buddhist takes Great Compassion as the first principle, bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of humankind as the starting point of morality and not doing any evil and offering up all good conduct as personal behavior rules. (1)、Clinical therapy: the moral implications of medical technology The traditional Chinese doctors think much of the moral implications of medical technology. They deem the practice of medicine and saving lives as a benevolent morality intrinsically. The traditional Chinese medicine emphasize the integrity of technology and virtue of doctors. The excellent skills and good professionalism indicate the good virtue of doctors. Medical good expresses the moral value of medical care, while this good can not be identified with that of medical professionals. The medial good and the professional good can be unified. But there are conflicts if we can not take their relationship rightly. So the traditional Chinese medicine emphasized this harmonious relation. Medical good doctors’ good: conflicts and harmony Their relationship includes: (1)harmonious relation (2)the gap of the two goods (3)the conflicts The c


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