辽宁省大连铁路中学高中英语 Module4 corner学案.docVIP

辽宁省大连铁路中学高中英语 Module4 corner学案.doc

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辽宁省大连铁路中学高中英语 Module4 corner学案.doc

辽宁省大连铁路中学高中英语 Module4 corner学案 课前预习学案 一、预习目标 预习Vocabulary and Reading,初步认识西欧乡村的变化。 二、预习内容 1.课文,并尝试回答问题。 2.查找有关家乡乡村的材料。 三、提出疑惑 Write down the problems you cannot settle after learning the text independently. 1)_________________________________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________________________________ 3)___________________________________________________________________ 课内探究学案 一、学习目标 1.知识目标 Learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions in the part: A number of, go up, Another problem is that… , survive 2.能力目标 1)Improve integrating skills and grasp information about villages in western Europe 2)Learn more about villages in western Europe and grasp key words and phrases 3.情感目标 1)Raise cooperation awareness. 2)Love our own homeland. 学习重难点、重点单词用法及加强对西欧乡村变化的认识。 二、学习过程 1. Ask the ss to iook at the pictures and answer: 1)A city is usually ( rich modern…) A village is usually (small poor…) 2).Something about western Europe? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.Fast Reading Read the passage again and try to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Para1.___________________________________________________ Para2.____________________________________________________ Para3.___________________________________________________ 3.Careful Reading Read and answer: 1)Why are some villages disappearing nowadays? 2)Why do people move to the cities to find work ? 3)Who cannot afford to buy a house there? 4.Language study 1)a number of: a lot of 大量的 ;后面接名词复数 the number of : 是......的数量 ;后面接名词复数 例如:A number of apples are red 许多苹果是红色的 The number of students is 2000 学生的数量是2000人 2)go up (价格、水位、数量等的)上涨 eg: (1) The price of vegetables went up because of the heavy rain that slowed the growth of green plants. (2)In the past 10 years, the population of the town has gone up by 5.5 percent, much smaller than that of thirty years ago. 3)Another problem is that



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