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论文题目:震源弹雷管座模具设计 专 业:高分子材料与工程 学 生:童锐 签名: 指导教师:邵水源 签名: 摘 要 塑料工业是当今世界上增长最快的工业门类之一,目前,电子、汽车、电机、电器、仪器、仪表、家电、通信和军工等产品中,60%~80%的零部件都要依靠模具成型,而注塑模具是其中发展较快的种类,因此,研究注塑模具对了解塑料产品的生产过程和提高产品质量有很大意义。 本课题运用Pro/Engineer5.0和AutoCAD 2012软件,以PP为基体材料,设计震源弹雷管座的注塑模具。该课题从产品结构工艺性,具体模具结构出发,对模具的浇注系统、模具成型部分的结构、顶出系统、冷却系统、注塑机的选择及有关参数的校核都进行了详细的设计,同时并完成了模具的三维零件图和装配图。 关键词:注塑模具,震源弹雷管座,Pro/Enginner5.0,浇注系统 论文类型:设计型 Title: The mold design of Focal bomb detonator holder Major: Polymer Materials Science and Engineering Name: Tong Rui Signature: Supervisor: Shao Shuiyuan Signature: ABSTRACT Plastics industry is one of the worlds fastest growing industrial sectors. Currently, electronics, automotive, electrical, electronics, instruments, meters, home appliances, communications and military products, 60% to 80% of the parts all rely mold forming. The injection mold is one of the rapid developments of the species, therefore, researching on the understanding of the production process of plastic injection molds and improving product quality has a great significance. The topics use PP as matrix materials to make the injection focal bomb detonator holder with the help of Pro/Engineer5.0 and AutoCAD 2012 software. The topics start with the product structure and the structure of the specific mold. The checked parameters of selection and die casting system, the structure of mold forming part of the ejection system, cooling system, and injection molding machines all have carried out detailed design, at the same time a three-dimensional mold parts and assembly drawings have been competed. Key word: injection mold, focal bomb detonator holder, Pro/Enginner5.0, gating system Type of thesis: the design 目 录 第1章 前言 1.1 震源弹失效装置研究现状 1.2 我国模具的发展现状 1.3 采用注塑模具成型的优点 1.4 毕业设计的目的 1.5 毕业设计的意义 1.6 设计内容 1.7 设计思路 第2章 塑料成型工艺基础 2.1 震源弹雷管座的造型设计 2.2 震源弹雷管座PP的结构与工艺特点 2.2.1 PP的基本特性 2.2.2 PP的成型特性 2


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