Test Folienlayout DF9IC German VHFUHFSHF 测试英语folienlayout df9ic VHF UHF超高频。.pptVIP

Test Folienlayout DF9IC German VHFUHFSHF 测试英语folienlayout df9ic VHF UHF超高频。.ppt

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Test Folienlayout DF9IC German VHFUHFSHF 测试英语folienlayout df9ic VHF UHF超高频。

28. Nordic VHF Meeting 2006 Sletten Wolf-Henning Rech DF9IC Microwave QSOs with the aid of airplane reflection Wolf-Henning Rech DF9IC in JN48iw http://www.df9ic.de Content Some theory Observations on beacons Experience from QSOs Airplane tracking with ADS-B A propagation test Conclusion Reflection or scatter? Reflection: like a mirror: angle of incidence = angle of reflection reflective area must be: large - smooth - plane Scatter: mostly omnidirectional (with varying power density) from either a rough surface or from a large number of small particles Geometry of DX via airplane Large passenger and freight airplanes use a height of FL300 - FL400 (30.000 - 40.000 ft) the airplane is close to the horizon for maximum range (very low elevation 0...1°) then the angle of incidence of the wave on the aircraft is around 3° Maximum range via airplane Maximum range by airplane at FL400 at the right position and radio LOS path including refraction in the atmosphere is 1040 km Experimental limit on 1296 and 2320 is 800 km for good probability and duration (from DF9IC SK7MW 777 km easy, SM7ECM 809 km difficult) Geometry of DX via airplane Path attenuation Reflection: Scatter: with A : effective reflective area s : radar cross section Example: d1 = d2 = 390 km, f = 1296 MHz, gTX = 32 dBi, PTX = 51 dBm, gRX = 24 dBi, PRX = -130 dBm results in A = 2.7 m2 s = 5000 m2 Duration and Doppler shift Airplane speed = 900 km/h = 15 km/min typical duration of one reflection is between few seconds to few minutes Doppler shift occurs because of difference in aircraft speed perpendicular to both stations Different Doppler shifts from various airplanes allow to differentiate between them (only CW) Which is the best frequency? Path attenuation is frequency independent Pro lower frequencies: wide beamwidth of antennas curvature of reflecting planes is less harmful angle condition (incident = reflected) is less stringent we use more TX



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