The Glove University of Colorado Boulder手套科罗拉多大学的巨石.pptVIP

The Glove University of Colorado Boulder手套科罗拉多大学的巨石.ppt

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The Glove University of Colorado Boulder手套科罗拉多大学的巨石

Sensorscontroller capable of decrypting hand motions to readable outputssent via bluetooth to what is controlled (this case our vehicle) microcontroller takes bluetooth inputs and encrypts the glove outputs to PWMs for both motor and camera---Camera sends video feed * Glove: Basic layout (sensor locations); full arm glove; * Primary inputs: Sensors Primary processing: MSP430 Output: Readable bluetooth commands * MMA7260; wrist cancelation; x-y-z rotation planer movement * Use to generate a variable voltage that can be read by the MCU on the glove * Work similar to flex sensor; variable resistor that can be read as a variable voltage * Heart of the glove; Again, MSP430 decodes movement into packets to be sent out via bluetooth, has an RS232 to connect to computer * Linksys camera MP-101 Pan and Tilt motorized platform Bluetooth control inputs + and -15 degrees vertical tilt, + and -90 degrees horizontal sweep * Glove and car worked on simultaneously, once vehicle constructed work on camera and start work on bluetooth, testing throughout * Chris and blake primarily on glove, me and brian primarily on vehicle and peripherals. Everyone working on camera, testing and debugging * Blake Davis: Electrical Engineering Luke Haberkern: Electrical and Computer Engineering Brian Hacsi: Electrical and Computer Engineering Chris Kircher: Electrical and Computer Engineering Project Overview Glove capable of encoding hand motions into generic instructions Vehicle with controllable camera that can travel via Bluetooth communication using instructions from glove Purpose of the Glove Purpose of the Vehicle Fully controllable vehicle using Bluetooth inputs to specify and direct speed, direction and a camera. Simple obstacle avoidance System Block Diagram MSP430 Microcontroller PWM Motor Controllers PWM Camera Controllers IR Obstacle Avoidance Accelerometers Flex Sensors Force Sensors MSP430 Microcontroller Bluetooth Module Video Feed Host Computer Bluetooth Module Gloves Vehicle R


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