The Five Paragraph Essay五段文章.pptVIP

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The Five Paragraph Essay五段文章

The Five Paragraph Essay a step- by- step introduction………. Why should I learn this essay structure? Can be used for both informative and persuasive writing Incorporates many of the basics of good writing Speeds up the writing process because of its formulaic nature Can be used for structure of a research-based essay when expanded What IS the Five Paragraph Essay? An introduction The first body paragraph The second body paragraph The third body paragraph A conclusion PART ONE: The Five Paragraph Essay Introduction THE INTRODUCTION Consists of: The Hook General topic sentences (2 or 3) which are more specific than the hook A thesis statement including three supporting ideas, all written in parallel structure First…. THE HOOK THE INTRODUCTION important definitions Hook: An opening sentence or two that grabs the reader’s interest and introduces the general topic of the essay Examples: Historical information An anecdote A surprising statement A declarative statement A quote THE INTRODUCTION the hook HISTORICAL INFORMATION: Some topics are better understood if a brief historical review of the topic is presented to lead into the discussion of the moment: Make sure it’s factual Keep it brief Example of hook with Historical Information: If I wanted to write an informative essay on cool skateboarding tricks: In the spring of 1975, skateboarding took an evolutionary boost toward the sport that we see today. In Del Mar, California a slalom and freestyle contest was held at the Ocean Festival. That day, the Zephyr team showed the world what skateboarding could be. They rode their boards like no one had in the public eye, low and smooth, and skateboarding was taken from being a hobby to a serious, exciting sport. TAKEN FROM: /cs/boardscience/a/brief_history.htm THE INTRODUCTION the hook ANECDOTE: An interesting little story Include sights, sounds, smells and other sensory images Keep it brief Example of hook with Anecdote: If I wanted to write an info


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