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The gold rush WordPress淘金 WordPress

Introduction First discoveries Gold Fever! New Arrivals Finding Gold Life on the Goldfields The Eureka Stockade New wealth Facts Bibliography Since the earliest civilisations, the rare heavy metal, gold, has always been valued and prized. Its discovery in Australia played a significant role in Australian history. Many townships and cities that exist today owe their beginnings from the gold rush that eventuated. The migration of new people to Australia in the quest for gold, not only brought great diversity in customs but also increased population. Even though the great rush for gold has dispersed today, many people still search for gold in order to ‘strike it rich’, including myself! Many other people had discovered gold previously but the first recorded discovery of gold in Australia was made by surveyor, James Mcbrien at Bathurst, N.S.W. in 1823. He was surveying a road along the Fish River and noticed particles of gold on the creek bed. Following this, there were a number of other discoveries, however, these discoveries were kept secret as the early Governors feared that it might cause a convict revolt and that free workers would leave their farms and jobs to search for gold, which would be disastrous for the colonies. Edward Hammond Hargraves(1816-1891) was born in Britain and settled in N.S.W. in 1832 where he worked as a grazier but when he heard of the discovery of gold in California, America, he decided to join the gold rush that was happening in 1849. He returned to Australia having found very little but was convinced that Australia had lots of gold. He also had gained knowledge of how to prospect for gold and this gained experience would prove helpful. By the 1840’s,the situation had changed in N.S.W. and transportation of convicts had ceased and the possibility of a convict revolt was not a problem. Governor Fitz Roy, in order to commence a gold industry, gained permission from the British Government


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