THE GOLDEN COMPASS Hollywood Jesus Live黄金罗盘好莱坞的上帝.pptVIP

THE GOLDEN COMPASS Hollywood Jesus Live黄金罗盘好莱坞的上帝.ppt

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THE GOLDEN COMPASS Hollywood Jesus Live黄金罗盘好莱坞的上帝

THE GOLDEN COMPASS THE DISCUSSION THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN He is the best-selling author of His Dark Materials, a trilogy of fantasy novels, and a number of other books. Northern Lights (aka The Golden Compass) was published in 1996 and won the Carnegie Medal, one of the most prestigious British childrens fiction awards, and the Guardian Childrens Fiction Award. PHILIP PULLMAN It is argued that Pullman has an anti-Christian agenda. He is quoted as saying, Im trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief. Mr. (C.S.) Lewis would think I was doing the Devils work.” Columnist Peter Hitchens states, “He is the anti-Lewis, the one the atheists would have been praying for, if atheists prayed.” (The Mail on Sunday, 2002/01/27) THE CONCERN “But Im not in the business of offending people. I find the books upholding certain values that I think are important. Such as that this life is immensely valuable. And that this world is an extraordinarily beautiful place, and we should do what we can to increase the amount of wisdom in the world.” --Washington Post, 2001/2/19 PULLMAN’S VALUES The trilogy is about 11-year-old Lyra Belacqua, a half-wild orphan who is being raised at an Oxford college. THE STORY Lyras Oxford is very different from the one in our world. In this other world, every human has a daemon, an animal familiar that serves as the embodiment of a persons soul. THE STORY The golden compass is a truth-telling alethiometer, which Lyra uses in her journeys to the frozen North to rescue her best friend and other kidnapped children from terrible experiments being carried out by the church. THE STORY This is the story of the Fall presented not as a bad disaster, but as a coming of age for the human race. Lyra is the new Eve as she sets the children free. THE STORY Life has a sense of awe and mystery. Wisdom is good. Wisdom is liberating. The needful decay of hierarchal authority into nothingness. Emphasis on faithful love. STORY POINTS The Golden Compass brings opportuni


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