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The Golden Temple Wikispaces金庙 wiki空间

THE GURDWARA LI: TO KNOW THAT THE GURDWARA IS A PLACE OF WORSHIP FOR SIKHS TO KNOW THE FEATURES OF A GURDWARA A GURDWARA – PLACE OF WORSHIP A Gurdwara is the place where Sikhs come together to worship. THE FLAGPOLE The Sikh flag is flown outside the Gurdwara. It is called the Nishan Sahib The flag is orange/yellow and has the Sikh emblem in the middle. HOUSE OF DOORS The word Gurdwara means Guru’s door. Sikhs believe that they go through the door to meet God. There are four entrance doors – north, south, east and west. Everyone is welcome Anyone, of any faith can visit a Gurdwara and will be made welcome. Before going into a Gurdwara Remove your shoes and wash your feet if they are dirty. Cover your head (young children neednt bother). Washing of feet at the entrance to the Gurdwara In the Gurdwara the Guru is not a person, but the Sikh’s holy book. It is called the Guru Granth Sahib. It is treated with the same respect and care that a human Guru or honoured guest would be given. The Guru Granth Sahib is kept in a room of its own during the night and carried in procession to the main hall at the start of the days worship. The Night Room THE PRAYER HALL The Guru Granth Sahib is carried into the prayer hall and placed on a raised platform under a canopy (Palki). It is covered with an expensive cloth when not being read. During a service a person with a whisk or fan (Chauri) waves it over the Guru Granth Sahib. In India, Hindu gods are often shown being fanned with a chauri. It is seen to be a sign of respect. ON ENTERING A GURDWARA Sikhs will bow to the Guru Granth Sahib as the first thing they do, touching the floor with their forehead. People also place an offering of food or money in front of the Guru Granth Sahib. This is used to run the Gurdwara and the free food kitchen (langar). SEATING IN A GURDWARA Everyone sits on the floor in a Gurdwara. Everyone is equal. Most people sit cross-legged. Cushions and seats are not allowed. Men sit


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