The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in PowerPoint Shows好的坏的丑陋的在幻灯片显示.pptVIP

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in PowerPoint Shows好的坏的丑陋的在幻灯片显示.ppt

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in PowerPoint Shows好的坏的丑陋的在幻灯片显示

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in PowerPoint Slide Shows Karin A. Bast UW-La Crosse Summer 1998 /itlc/PPT/intermed/index.htm What You’ll See and Hear Examples of good and bad design Graphics Sound Animation Transitions Samples of slide layouts Tips for presenting slide shows The Good … Constant color scheme 5 to 7 words per line 5 to 7 bullets per page No clutter Skip “a”, “an”, “the” where possible The Good ... One concept per slide No complete sentences Highlights of the subject No pages of text Simple and consistent animation Unobtrusive transitions The Good … One template or background Consistent use of color and fonts Bold and italics used sparingly Color evokes emotional response Black and white causes short attention span Clip art used only where appropriate The Bad … Change of color scheme Gratutous clip art Distracting transitions Long sentences, lots of text on the slide instead of bullets. Small fonts make readability difficult in the back of the classroom. Overuse of bold, italics, font sizes, colors. The Bad cont. Cont. instead of just the same title Sound that doesn’t add anything Too much clutter I particularly dislike full sentences that wrap to the next line and could have been cut instead of running on. Too many bullets Running off the slide due to above Putting text below slide space The Bad cont. Cont. instead of just the same title Sound that doesn’t add anything Too much clutter I particularly dislike full sentences that wrap to the next line and could have been cut instead of running on. Too many bullets Running off the slide due to above Putting text below slide space The Bad ... Switching color for no reason just distracts. Sometimes you need a paragaraph for a quote or definition. Put it on a slide by itself instead of crowding your slide with a number of lines. This is hard to read. What do you think of the color and the long paragraph? How about the misspelling? The Bad … This is my students’ favorite clipart. Note th


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