The Greenhouse Effect Global Warming Wikispaces温室效应全球变暖Wikispaces.pptVIP

The Greenhouse Effect Global Warming Wikispaces温室效应全球变暖Wikispaces.ppt

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The Greenhouse Effect Global Warming Wikispaces温室效应全球变暖Wikispaces

Global Warming- The Greenhouse Effect. By Joe Glenwright The Greenhouse Gases Water vapour is the most abundant, it occurs when water is evaporated from the seas and oceans, and converted to the gaseous state. Carbon dioxide is the next most abundant, the source of it is; volcanic eruption, respiration and combustion/decay. Methane is a sizeable contributor also. It is emitted during the production of coal, oil and gas, rotting of landfill sites and released by cows as farts. However there are huge reserves of methane trapped within Permafrost; if global warming causes this to melt there it will be released and increase the greenhouse effect. How It Works! The Suns radiation enters the Earths’ atmosphere and is absorbed by ground and some of the gases. Some of it is re-emitted and remains in the atmosphere; warming the planet. The Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect might be portrayed as a bad thing, however it is necessary for life. It keeps the climate temperate. On the other hand it becomes a problem when there is an excess of Greenhouse gases. The molecules in the air absorb the Infra-red radiation and vibrate which release some energy in the form of radiation. The greenhouse effect depends not only on the concentration of the gases but their ability to absorb radiation. What’s the future? If we continue to use inefficient and non-renewable forms of energy, which release greenhouses gases into the atmosphere. Consequently more IR will be captured by the gases, leading to a global temperature increase. The ice caps will melt and raise sea levels, causing a higher risk of floods. An increase in temperature will cause droughts in some parts of the world. Finally a higher likelihood of natural disasters, such as tornadoes, hurricanes and forest fires, will cause deaths. Due to this it is increasing important that we monitor the levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, and come up with methods of reducing their impact. * * * *


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