The Human Geography of Japan NAJAS Home日本的人文地理标家.pptVIP

The Human Geography of Japan NAJAS Home日本的人文地理标家.ppt

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The Human Geography of Japan NAJAS Home日本的人文地理标家

Historical Geography Known as the land of the rising sun Has a line of Emperors to the present From 12th to late 19th Century Shoguns had control Shoguns expelled all foreigners in 17th century, opted for strict isolation In 1853, US Naval Officer Perry sailed into Tokyo and demanded a Treaty Became a regional power through victories against Chine (1895) and Russia (1905) After WWII US occupied Japan from 1945-1952 Image (/library/publications/the-world-factbook/graphics/flags/large/ja-lgflag.gif Historical Geography Cont… Japan adopted a new US influenced constitution Renouncing war, granting basic human rights, and declaring Japan a democracy The US and Japan still maintain close political and military ties Population Geo. Cont… Japan is in stage four of the Demographic Transition Model Japan’s population is declining .14% annually. This is a major concern. 70% of people live in urban areas About %50 live in three major urban areas: Nagoya, Tokyo, and Osaka. As a result, the cost of living is high and housing is expensive Japan is 98.5 percent ethnic Japanese Immigration is very limited and push factors rarely exist to cause Japanese to emigrate The Ainu, an indigenous group, live mostly in Hokkaido Cultural Geography Japanese society is group oriented. Loyalty to the group and superiors takes precedent over personal feeling The Japanese feel an obligation to return favors and gifts Imuyage. The following characteristics are admired in Japanese society: honor, patience, respect and politeness is extremely important Uniformity in appearance is a Japanese characteristic Businessmen wearing black pants, a white shirt, and a tie are very common Women wear dresses or slacks In general students wear uniforms to school Outside of school, youth wear the latest American and European fashions Traditional Japanese clothing such as kimonos and yukatas are worn for special occasions and at onsens Cultural Geography Cont… Greetings Bowing is the traditional Japanese greeting


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