The Meanest Doll in the World BookReports home最不起眼的娃娃在世界bookreports回家.pptVIP

The Meanest Doll in the World BookReports home最不起眼的娃娃在世界bookreports回家.ppt

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The Meanest Doll in the World BookReports home最不起眼的娃娃在世界bookreports回家

The Meanest Doll in the World Written by: Ann Martin Lara Godwin PowerPoint by: Sydney Garcia/ Graige Annabelle Doll Tiffany Funcraft are the main characters. Annabelle is very curious because, she is always asking questions and wondering about the task at hand. She has green hair wears a old pink dress Tiffany Funcraft is very independent. She loves to do things her own way. She has brown hair, a green shirt, a blue skirt. These two very different dolls make a perfect pair of friends! I visualized Annabelle Tiffany hiding in the Lego house with their friends while Mean Mimi is shooting Hot Wheels cars at them. Techno Man, Sandra doll by Mean Mimi’s side helping her fire the cars at Annabelle, Tiffany, friends. In the beginning Annabelle Tiffany are helping their Aunt Sarah build her spider farm. When heading to the attic, they hear a human right behind them! So they hide in a near by backpack. Turns out to be one of the humans backpack! In the middle, they head to school, but come home in the wrong backpack! They went to a boys house named DJ. His sister has a princess doll that follows them home in the end. Then she terrorizes the Doll Funcraft family’s! Will Annabelle Tiffany stop Mean Mimi for good? Read the book and find out!! /images I loved the book!! It was very exiting! Every word I read, I just wanted to keep reading on! You just couldn’t put it down! I was always wondering what was going to happen next. If you like The Meanest Doll in the World you will love The Doll People and, Runaway Dolls. This is the end of Sydney’s PowerPoint book report. Thank you all for being here to see this PowerPoint. Thank you again, and remember keep reading!!! * * Please tell the


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