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3. That phone is new! I have to find it, or Mum will punish me! 那部电话是新的。我一定要找到它, 否则妈妈会惩罚我的! punish v. 惩罚; 惩处 常用结构: punish sb. for sth./doing sth. e.g. He was punished for being late. 他因迟到而受到处罚。 4. It’s missing! 它丢了! missing adj. 找不到的; 失踪的 三者都可表“失去” 。lost是广义的“丢失”, 包含可找回和不能找回的意思; missing强调某物或某人暂时找不着了(含最终可能找到之意); gone的含义最广,包括“(东西)没了; (时间)过去了; (人)死了”等,而且语气肯定。 missing/lost/gone [运用] 1) ______ time will never be found again. 2) Someone reported to the police that a child was ________. 3) The old times are ______ forever. gone Lost missing 1. No shouting, please! It’s against the rules. 2. Because it’s closed. 3. There certainly are a lot of rules in this museum. Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. Listen again and repeat. * * No smoking No fire Not Allowed No swimming Exit Parking exhibition n. 展览; 展览会 upstairs adj. 位于楼上的 adv. 往楼上; 在楼上 downstairs adj. 位于楼下的 adv. 往楼下; 在楼下 tail n. 尾; 尾巴 rope n. 粗绳; 绳索 1. Don’t touch. 2. No smoking. 3. No shouting. 4. No photos. 1 2 3 4 Match the signs with the rules. Work in pairs. Tell your partner the rules. -- What do you think this sign means? -- I think it means “No shouting”. 1. Where did Lingling find the guide? She got it from the Internet. 2. How many people are going to the museum on Saturday? Three (Betty, Lingling and Daming). Listen and answer the questions. Listen to the conversation on page 34 and answer the questions. 1. What room do the children want to visit? 2. Are there lots of people in the museum? Now check (√) the rules mentioned in the conversation. √ √ √ No shouting, please! It’s against the rules. Stop! Don’t cross that rope! Can’t you see the sign, Kid? “No entry.” Sorry. No photos. See? Don’t worry, Miss. Go downstairs to the lost and found office. They might have it. Write down what you cannot do in the museum. No entry. No photos. No shouting. Complete the passage with the words in the bo


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