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Appreciation Critical Comments 欣赏与评说 a. Confucius attaches immense value to both studying and thinking. Aristotle also holds that clear thinking is the most important requisite for the right life. So efforts to keep on studying and thinking are rewarded with knowledge about the world and studying and thinking helps one to examine and criticize the objective world and improve and perfect the subjective world. 孔子不仅倡导勤勉学习,也注重积极思考。亚里士多德也认为,缜密清晰的思考是避免虚度人生的一个先决条件。因此,我们应该锲而不舍地坚持学习和思考,惟有如此,才能获取正确认识世界的能力。学习和思考帮助人们去审视和批判客观世界,同时有助于提升和完善主观世界。 Appreciation Critical Comments 欣赏与评说 b. In “American Scholar”, Emerson says, “Books are the best of things, well used; abused, among the worst. What is the right use? … The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul. This every man is entitled to; this every man contains within him, although in almost all men obstructed and as yet unborn. The soul active sees absolute truth and utters truth, or creates. In this action it is genius; not the privilege of here and there a favorite, but the book, the college, the school of art, the institution of any kind, stop with some past utterance of genius.” So thinking or the active soul is of immense value. 在《美国学者》一文中,爱默生说,“书能善读时,是最好的,如果滥用,就是最有害的。什么是善用?…… 活跃的心灵是这世上最可贵的。每个人都有拥有它的权利,它也就在每个人的心间。尽管,对于大多数人,这一心灵被禁锢了,或者尚未诞生。生动活跃的心智洞察绝对的真实,并述说或者创造这种真实。在这一过程中,它是天才的,但它不是零星分散于秉赋特异者中的特权;它是属于每个人的财富。书本、学院、艺术学校,各种其他机构,请停止重复往日关于天才的教诲。”(赵一凡译,吉欧·波尔泰,1993:页码)因此,思考或活跃的心灵是极其珍贵的。 Appreciation Critical Comments 欣赏与评说 c. Reading provides you with food for thought. When you have digested what you have read by thinking, you can get nourishments, so as to elevate your level and broaden your vision. 读书为我们提供思想的源泉。我们不懈努力,积极思考,去消化吸收书本知识,才能汲取心智的养分,从而提升境界,拓展视野。 2.17 子曰:“由,诲女知之乎? 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。” The Master says, “You, do you know what knowledge really implies? You should be clear about what you really know and what you do not know yet. That’s sound knowledge and high intelligence.” Appreciation Critical Comments


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