Unit 2 Healthy Eating Module3教学资料 word study for unit 2M3.pptVIP

Unit 2 Healthy Eating Module3教学资料 word study for unit 2M3.ppt

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Learning key words and expressions in unit 2 1.diet n 日常饮食 vi 节食 a healthy diet 健康饮食 a balanced diet 平衡饮食 go/be on a diet 节食 Eg: I decided to go on a diet after my holiday. 我决定在假期后节食。 2.balance 1) v. 权衡、平衡、对比 1) he balanced the advantages and disadvantages 2) Can you balance yourself on skates? 2) n. 天平、称 eg: will you weigh it in the balance? 用天平称…… 拓展 keep one’s balance 保持平衡 lose one’s balance 失去平衡 On/in balance 总的来说 In the balance 未定的、不明朗的 3. lose weight 体重减轻;减肥 Eg: she is trying to lose weight. 她正在设法减肥。 lose weight and you will become more popular. 减肥吧,你将变得更受欢迎。 Put on /gain weight 体重增加、发福 4.get away with sth 1)携某物潜逃 eg. The thief got away with lots of money. 2) 受到(较轻惩罚) eg.For such a serious mistake he was lucky to get away with a fine. 犯了那么严重的错误,他却侥幸只是罚款了事 get away with doing sth 不因为某事受惩罚 They got away with breaking the traffic rules. 5. lie to sb =tell sb a lie / lies =tell a lie to sb =tell lies to sb 对…说谎 Eg:He is honest, and he never tells lies. I am sorry I lied to you. 6.win…back 赢回,重新获得 Eg:how can I win back her trust ? 我怎么才能重新赢得她的信任? The party must try to win back the support it has lost. 该党须设法重获支持。 拓展: win sb over 争取某人过来 7.strength n 强项;长处;力量 strengthen v 使加强,巩固,变强, strong adj Eg: Union is strength.团结就是力量。 Math is her strength.数学是她的强项。 拓展: at full strength 全力 go from strength to strength 越来越兴旺发达 on the strength of sth 凭借 8.consult vt 咨询;请教;商量 consultion n Eg:Have you consulted a doctor about your illness ? 你找过医生看过你的病吗? Consult with sb 与某人交换意见;商议 I consulted with him about my job. 我和他商量关于我工作的事。 9. earn one’s living =make one’s/a living 谋生 Eg:She used to earn her living by selling drinks. He earned his living by begging from door to door. 10.(be) in debt 负债   1)反义:(be) out of debt 不欠债 It`s hard to stay out of debt when you are a student 【经典例句】 Knowing they are deep in d


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