高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 金华十校+ Book4 u5.pptVIP

高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 金华十校+ Book4 u5.ppt

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金华十校2012学年高二期末答案 21---40 BDBDA BCADC DBBDA DCBAC 41—60 CCDDA CBADB CBCAD ADBBD 61---80 CCDDA CBADB CBCAD ADBBD 81—85 CFEAB Proof reading way后去掉 to 2. a—an 3. while---when 4. tries—tried 5. fell后加 off 6. bad—badly 7. how—what 8. reached---arrived 9. policeman—policemen 10. she---he As is shown in the picture above, a boy is shouting at his dad, who looks upset, not knowing what to do with his son. It seems that they don’t get along well with each other. Nowadays, many families with teenagers face such a problem, which is extremely bad for the growth of a child and the harmony of a family. For example, quarrels can often be seen when parents attempt to prevent their children doing what is not suitable to their opinion, such as playing computer games, because the kid is unwilling to do it as told. What has caused the frequent conflicts between them? There can be many reasons, of which , I think a lack of understanding and communication is the most important one. It is inevitable that disagreement between parents and kids will appear. However, if we learn to communicate with each other peacefully and equally, a harmonious relationship can be easily born. 金华十校 一, Choice---词汇题: 5.18.19.--- 2012年新增词汇 2. a good education a ticket to success in the future 4. subscribe to订阅;同意;捐款 9. since 既然; as 因为 10. emotion: 是自己的感情。 mood : 通常这么用:I‘m not in mood/I’m in mood.是我心情很糟/我心情很好. in no mood 无心情… mind 内心的想法,大脑中思考的。 feeling 常常指对某种事物的感觉。its my feeling. 13.run like anything=run like hell拼命奔跑 I had to run like hell to catch the bus. 为了赶上那辆公共汽车,我不得不拼命奔跑。 15. arise from =be caused by, result from由…引起,起因于 For example, he says the health needs that will arise from climate change are not the same as the needs of farmers. 金华十校 26. treat sb.请客;招待某人 Dutch treat各人自己付钱的聚餐或娱乐;自付钱的 聚餐;各自付账;各付己帐 treat u


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