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in the middle of night, two boys woke up and began shouting. be full of leapt out of sleeping bag hurried outside raining heavily, formed stream wound its way…flowed right under their tent Thank you * * 10. leap v. 跳跃, 跳起 区别: jump 原地跳跃 leap : 跳跃, 有距离 从这边跳到另一边, 位置变化 例句:Look before you leap. 三思而后行 leap year/month 闰年/月 leap v. 跳跃, 跳起 区别: jump 原地跳跃 leap : 跳跃, 有距离 (从这边跳到另一边, 位置变化) 例句:Look before you leap. 三思而后行 leap year/month 闰年/月 11.heavily adv. 大量地 (表程度深) rain/snow heavily 一般与雨雪连用 smoke heavily 烟瘾重 他烟瘾很重。 He smokes heavily. 例句:这棵树生长得十分茂密。 This tree is growing heavily. 12. stream n. 1. 小溪 2.流, 一股, 一串 (量词) 例句:一股人流走进影院。 A stream of people was going into the cinema. 3.水流方向, 潮流 例句:He can’t go against the stream of public opinion. 他不能逆潮流行事。 stream n. 溪,川, river 河 lake 湖 sea 海 13.form v. 形成 n.表格 A plan began to form in his head. 一项计划在他脑子中形成。 I cannot form any opinion about it 我对此还不能形成什么看法。 14. wind [waind] v. 蜿蜒 (wound,wound) wind ones way 蜿蜒而行 The river winds its way to the sea. 注意与名词wind(风)的读音不同. 15. right adv. 正好 强调作用 right 做副词时强调后边的形容词, 副词, 介词短语, 不强调动词 Right here.就在这儿 “Right here waiting for you” : 《此情可待》―—歌名 Memory Challenge 搭建帐篷 在田野上 闻起来香 极好的5种 在篝火旁 扑灭火 爬进帐篷 put up a tent in the field smell good wonderful by the campfire put out the fire creep into the tent 睡得很香 跳出睡袋 雨下得很大 小溪 形成 蜿蜒 正好 sleep soundly leap out of the tent rain heavily stream n. form v. wind v. right adv. Listening for main idea True or False 1. The boys were going camping. 2. The boys were too tired to cooked by themselves. 3. The boys enjoyed their meal and played games together. 4.They were so tired that they fell asleep soundly. 6. At midnight, three boys woke up and found something wrong with their tent. 5. It was sunny and clear on that day and there’s no rain. 7. They were scared and asked for some one’


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