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基于SIM300的家用电器控制系统 摘要 随着 GSM(Global System for Mobile communication)移动通信网络的迅速普及和竞争的日益激烈,新业务和新技术的开发和应用已经提到一个十分重要的位置。短消息业务(SMS)作为 GSM 网络的一种基本业务,已得到越来越多的系统运营商和系统开发商的重视,基于短消息业务的各种应用也蓬勃发展起来。 本系统是一种基于 GSM 短消息的远程控制系统,以单片机(STC12C5AXS2)为系统的中央控制器,将SIM300模块,各类传感器模块,受控部件等有机结合,构成整个家用电器控制系统。通过传感器模块检测家用电器是用情况,以 GSM 网络作为远程信号的传输平台,从而达到用户通过手机远程控制家用电器。 数据的传输方式主要是短消息方式,系统中采用 PDU 模式,短消息的接收和发送是通过 AT 指令来实现的,本论文讲述了常见的 AT 指令及其使用方法。 系统的硬件设计中,对主要硬件 SIM300和STC12C5AXS2单片机及其外围电路进行了详细的讲述。硬件包括 SIM300通信模块SIM300,STC12C5AXS2 单片机,显示单元,各种传感器和数据采集与处理单元。软件包括单片机初始化、主程序、信号采集中断程序、通过串口通讯的短消息接收和发送程序。论文的最后部分以 GSM 短消息的远程控制系统为基础,结合家用电器检测技术设计出一套基于 GSM 的家用电器控制系统,并给出了此系统应用领域的一些探讨和研究。 关键词:单片机、SIM300、STC12C5AXS2。 Abstract With the GSM ( Global System for Mobile communication ) mobile communication network to the rapid popularization and the increasingly fierce competition, new business and new technology development and application has been referred to a very important position. Short message service ( SMS ) as a basic service of GSM network, has gained more and more attention to the system operator and developer attention, based on the short message service in a variety of applications also flourish. This system is based on GSM short message remote control system with single chip microcomputer ( STC12C5AXS2), as the system central controller, SIM300 module, various types of sensor module, controlled component such as organic combination, constitute the entire household electrical appliance control system. Through the sensor module for detecting the household appliances is used, with GSM network as a long-range signal transmission platform, so as to achieve the user through the mobile phone remote control household appliances. Data transmission is the main way of short message, the system adopted PDU model, short message receiving and transmitting through the AT instruction to implement, this paper described the common AT instruction and its using method. Hardware design of the system, the main hardware SI


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