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毕业论文 题 目: 空调压缩机气缸、活塞专用CBN树脂砂轮 的结构与性能研究 院系名称: 材料科学与工程 专业班级: 材料0301 摘 要 本文主要介绍了有关CBN树脂砂轮结构与性能的分析.空调压缩机气缸活塞专用CBN树脂砂轮要求有良好的性能才能达到理想的加工效果.然而提高树脂磨具质量需要从其结构和性能来分析影响砂轮质量的因素,才能找到改进CBN树脂砂轮质量的配方工艺,使国内加工高精度零件达世界先进水平. 我们选用三种国外进口酚醛树脂作为结合剂,设计首先是对这三种酚醛树脂作一系列的物理化学性能分析,包括熔点、固化时间、流动性;接着通过综合热分析和红外光谱实验对三种树脂的化学结构进行推断;然后做树脂样条检测结合剂的强度硬度以及检测砂轮的抗冲击强度和硬度,这些可以用来检验树脂对磨料的结合能力;最后用这三种树脂所做的CBN砂轮完成一系列的磨削实验,确定其磨削性能。 关键词: 酚醛树脂 磨削性能 力学性能 结构分析 Title Structural and Functional Research on Air-condition compressor Gas Cylinder, Piston specialized CBN resin Grinding wheel Abstract This paper mainly analyzes the structure and function of CBN Resin Grinding wheel. Air-condition compressor Gas Cylinder ,Piston specialized CBN resin grinding wheel. must have perfect functional to reach ideal processing effect. For the quality improvement, structural and functional factors that affect the quality of grinding wheel should take into consideration. With the perfect processing prescription for improving the quality of CBN resin grinding wheel, the technique skill for home processing field on high finish components can catch up with the world level. We chose three foreign imports as a phenolic resin binder to experiment. Design is the first of three this phenolic resin as a series of physical and chemical properties, Including melting point, curing time, mobility ,Then through the integrated thermal analysis and infrared spectroscopy of three resin chemical structure inference; For the kind of resin binder can detect the strength and hardness; Detection Wheel impact strength and hardness resin can be used to test the combination of abrasive; Finally, the three resins done CBN wheel grinding completed a series of experiments to determine grinding performance. Keywords: Phenolic Resin Phenolics performance Rubs truncates the performance Mechanics performance 目 次 1 前言 1 1.1 国外研究状况 1 1.2 国内研究状况 2 1.3 研究的意义 2 2 原料及方案 2


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