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第四届全国计算爆炸力学会议论文集 * 拉氏数值模拟中的新人工粘性方法 周海兵 熊俊 刘文韬 张树道 (北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京 100088 ) 摘 要:提出一种新的应用于拉氏数值模拟中的人工粘性方法。较好的人工粘性需要满足 Caramana 提出的一系列条件、较小的计算开销、不能去除真实具有的涡运动。新人工粘性基于 Lew 人工粘性。 由于新人工粘性具有张量性质,可以有效减少数值模拟结果对网格的依赖。新人工粘性采用了特征 值限制器控制施加的人工粘性大小,通过限制器能够区分激波压缩和等熵压缩。新人工粘性可以在 二维、三维,结构网格或者非结构网格上应用。 关键字:人工粘性;激波;拉氏方法;计算方法 New Formulation of Artificial Viscosity for Lagrangian Analysis of Shocks ZHOU Hai-bing, XIONG Jun, LIU Wen-tao, ZHANG Shu-dao (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, 100088, China) Abstract: In this paper we present a new formulation of the artificial viscosity for Lagrangian Analysis of Shocks. A better artificial viscosity need satisfy a set of conditions set out by Caramana, use less computational cost and not remove physical vorticity. The new artificial is based on Lew artificial viscosity. Due to the tensor nature of the new artificial viscosity, it reduces the dependence of the numerical solution on the grid. Central to this formulation is eigenvalue viscosity limiter to control the magnitude of the artificial viscosity. This is effected in a simple and straightforward manner to obtain forms of artificial viscosity that are able to distinguish between adiabatic and shock compression. The formulation is applicable to any number of dimensions and for grids that are either logically rectangular or unstructured. KeyWords: Artificial Viscosity, Shock, Lagrangian Formulation, Computing Methods. 1 引 言 在无粘理想流体的超声速流场中,往往出现激波强间断。在理想流体的欧拉方程数值模拟中, 激波间断的数值模拟十分重要。在早期的数值模拟中,如果流场的波系结构比较简单,而且预先对 波系结构有比较清晰的了解,则可采用激波装配方法计算。所谓激波装配方法是指根据激波方向, 直接采用激波前后的理论关系直接得到波后流场的物理量。但对于比较复杂的超声速流数值模拟, 一般采用激波捕捉方法。在拉氏数值模拟中一般需


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