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Test for Unit 4 I. Choices 30% 1. --Let’s go and have a good drink tonight. --__________ Have you got the first prize in the competition? A. What for? B. Thanks a lot C. Yes, I’d like to. D. Why not? 2. A number of students ______ playing on the ground but I don’t know what the exact number _______. A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are 3. After the rain, the river ______ by two feet. A. rose B. raised C. lifted D. went 4. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School _____ the beginning of March A. on B. for C. with D. at 5. Mike didn’t play football yesterday because he had his leg ________. A. damaged B. hurt C. hit D. wounded 6. After the class was _____, some of the students were asked to remain. A. at an end B. in the end C. by the end D. at the end 7. _____ seemed that she was not interested in the topic they were talking about. A. There B. It C. She D. They 8. They work day and night; however, _______ of the money they make goes to their so-called eldest brother. A. four-fifth B. four-fifths C. four-five D. four-fifthes 9. The cyclists hope to _______ money to help thousands of blind children in Tibet to learn better. A. rise B. make C. raise D. borrow 10. “All hope was not lost.” means “__________.” A. There was no hope at all B. Hope was everywhere C. No hope was lost D. Not all hope was lost 11. It was his voice, with its unusual mixture of country blues and gospel styles, _____ made him famous. A. which B. that C. it D. what 12. Tom never studied hard, as a result, he failed in most of the exams, which he ________ . A. thought little of B. sang high praise for C. spoke highly of D. was well spoken 13. Next month the city


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