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Many of these animals are almost die out. Language points 1. decrease v. n. 减少;降低 There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors since the beginning of the new year. The number of whales has decreased sharply these years. decrease to decrease by 减少到 减少了 The number of new students ______________320____260 this year. decreased from to decrease sharply / steadily a sharp /steady decrease increase decrease [练一练]选择decrease/increase并用其正确形式填空。 The number of visitors ___________ sharply in the past two months. The ________ worries the manager. “Something must be done to ________the number of visitors.” he thought. increase has decreased decrease in the past two months. Panda Milu deer South China tiger EX. Dinosaurs have died out long before. 很多这些动物都几乎要灭绝了. 3. die out: 1.disappear completely 灭绝 2.逐渐消失 ★ die away: (sound, wind, or light…)(指声音,光,风) 慢慢消失,慢慢变弱 He hid behind the door until the footsteps had died away. With society developing, many customs are dying out. ★ die off : 相继死去 ;(草木)先后枯死 ★ die down 逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊 (平息) 兴奋,生气,火等 ★ die for 渴望, 殉难, 迫切想要 be dying for…渴望… ★ die of / from 因…而死 疾病,饥寒,情感原因造成的死亡一般用die of(内因), 除此之外的原因造成的死亡用 die from(外因) 1. Whales will die ___ , if we don’t protect them. 2. Nowadays every woman is dying ___ fair skin. 3. The trees are dying ____ because of the drought(干旱). 4. The weak light is dying _____. 5. His anger died _____ after being given some money. 6. About 10 million people die __ cancer every year. 7. Some people die ____ the lack of water in the dry areas. out for off away down of from in peace 作副词1.平安地, 安静地 He is dead. May he rest in peace. 他死了,愿他安息吧! He lives in peace 他过着安宁而满足的生活。 at peace 形容词 与 at war 相对 1.平静的,安静的:和平的 She is at peace with herself and her friends. 她平和地对待自己和朋友 2. Everyone wants to live in a world at peace. 人人都想生活在一个和平的世界里 In+名词短语: In trouble In surprise in difficulty In doubt in public In danger 4. be in danger (of) : 处于…危险之中 Some


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