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“When” is used when the sentences refer to a single event in the past. “When” and “while” are used when the sentences refer to a period of time in the past. “As” is used when the sentences refer to a progressive change. 2. We first met on a train in 2000. We both felt immediately that we ____ each other for years. (2008 辽宁) A. knew B. have known C. had known D. know 3. The moment I got home, I found I _____ my jacket on the playground. (2008 陕西) A. had left B. left C. have left D. was leaving * Module 3 Grammar Grammar 1 1. When it was performed in America, there was an audience of 100,000 people. 2. When he was very young, Mozart had a lot of musical talent. 3. While he was still a teenager, he was a big star. 4. As he grew older, he began to go deaf. 1.When the clock struck twelve, all the lights went out. 2.He raised his hat when he saw her. 3.When two bodies are rubbed together, heat is produced. 4.Dont forget to return this book for me, when you go to the library. 这三个连词都可作“当……的时候”解,但它们之间有一些细微的差别。 1. when (at or during the time that)只表示一般的时间关系,它既可指时间的一点(a point of time),也可指一段时间(a period of time)。用when时,从句的动作可与主句的动作同时发生,也可先于主句的动作,因此when用得最多。 1. Strike while the iron is hot. 2.When we arrived in Beijing, it was raining. (arrive不是延续性的动词) 3.Please dont talk so loud while people are working. 2. while (during the time that)只能指一段时间,而不能指时间的一点。用while时,从句的动作或者与主句的动作同时发生,或者主句的动作是在从句的动作的进展过程中发生的。因此,从句中的谓语必须是表示延续性动作或状态的动词。这是while与when的主要差别。 1.Wood gives much smoke while (it is) burning. 2.He fell asleep while (he was) studying his grammar book. 3.While in London, he studied music. 4.When (they are) heated, metals expand. 在用when和while连接的从句中,常省略与主句相同的主语和相应的be,而在as连接的从句中一般则不省略。 1.The Queen will visit the town in May, when she will open the new hospital. 2.Soon the water in the flask will boil, when you



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