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安徽大学本科毕业论文 题  目: 绿色贸易壁垒对安徽省蜂蜜出口的影响与对策  学生姓名:   朱治平 学号: 院(系):   经济学院 专业:国际经济与贸易 入学时间:    2009    年     9  月 导师姓名:   高茜    职称/学位: 教授/博士   导师所在单位:       经济学院     完成时间:  二〇一三   年     五   月 绿色贸易壁垒对安徽省蜂蜜出口的影响与对策 摘 要 随着世界经济的发展,国际贸易规模不断扩大,环境问题也越来越引起人们的重视。各国为了保护环境而采取的一些措施直接或者间接地限制了一些产品的贸易,成为绿色贸易壁垒。发达国家设置绿色贸易壁垒,出口市场对蜂蜜的质量和技术标准要求日趋严格,极大地限制了蜂产品的出口。 本文从什么是绿色贸易壁垒出发,首先介绍了世界范围内蜂蜜生产和消费格局,概括说明了绿色贸易壁垒的概念和特征;在此基础上进一步研究中国以及安徽省蜂蜜出口现状,通过数据说明绿色贸易壁垒对蜂蜜出口产生的巨大影响,分析产生这些影响的原因,并且从经济学角度寻求合理的解释。最后,从政府和企业两个角度分别提出一些切实可行的建议,希望能对安徽省蜂蜜企业应对绿色贸易壁垒提供有效的帮助。 关键词:绿色贸易壁垒;蜂蜜;出口;安徽省 Influences and Countermeasures of the Green Trade Barrier to the Export of Bee Products in Anhui Province Abstract With the development of the world economy and the expansion of international business activities, people have drawn more and more attention on the problem of environment protection. Each country adopts some certain measures to restrict trade activities of some products in a direct or indirect way, which becomes the green trade barriers. Nowadays, the green trade barriers settled by some developed countries have sounded the alarm to the export of the bee products in China. The requirements of the export market to the quality and technical standard have became increasingly harsh, which has greatly influenced the export of bee products. This article begins with the introduction of bee product and green trade barrier, then describes the structure of the production and consumption of bee products worldwide, introduces the concept and the feature of green trade barrier. Then we learn the export situation of bee products in Anhui and China, and show the great influence produced by green trade barrier, analyze the reasons and try to figure out some explanations. In the end, we put forward some available proposes to the government and the enterprises. Hope it can do something good to help response to the green trade barrier. Keywords:


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