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卤素含氧酸根阴离子: 高氯酸ClO4--perchlorate;氯酸ClO3--chlorate 亚氯酸 ClO2--chlorite; 次氯酸ClO-- hypochlorite --化物:-ide 氧化物:oxide (oxygen); 氮化物:nitride (nitrogen) ; 氧化钙: calcium oxide   氯化物—chloride (chlorine) CaCl2calcium chloride 氟化物—fluoride (fluorine) CaF2 calcium fluoride 溴化物—bromide (bromine) CaBr2 calcium bromide 碘化物—iodide (iodine) CaI2 calcium iodide Nomenclature of inorganic substances Nomenclature of inorganic substances 卤素含氧酸根阴离子: 高氯酸ClO4--perchlorate;氯酸ClO3--chlorate 亚氯酸 ClO2--chlorite; 次氯酸ClO-- hypochlorite Chlorate ClO3- Bromate BrO3- Iodate IO3- Nitrate NO3- Phosphate PO43- Sulfate SO42- Carbonate CO32- Unit Two Inorganic Chemistry 含氧酸根阴离子: Special anions CrO42- Chromate Cr2O72- Dichromate MnO4- Permanganate C2H3O2- Acetate CN- Cyanide OH- Hydroxide O22- Peroxide Naming Inorganic Acids Nomenclature of inorganic substances Monatomic anions Cl- chloride S2- sulfide P3- phosphide F- fluoride Polyatomic ions NH4+ ammonium H3O+ hydr-oxonium NO3- nitrate NO2- nitrite ClO- hypochlorite ClO2- chlorite ClO3- chlorate ClO4- perchlorate SO32- sulfite SO42- sulfate HSO3- bisulfite HCO3- bicarbonate CO32- carbonate PO43- phosphate HPO42- hydrogen phosphate H2PO4- dihydrogen phosphate CrO42- chromate Cr2O72- dichromate BO33- orthoborate AsO43- arsenate C2O42- oxalate CN- cyanide SCN- thiocyanate MnO4- permanganate 离子化合物的命名 (Names of ionic compounds) CuSO4 · 5H2O -copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate The number of cations and anions per formula need not be included in the compound name because anions have characteristic charges, and the charge of the cation has already been established by its name. There are as many cations and anions as needed to get a neutral compound with the lowest possible integral subscripts. Nomenclature of inorganic substances Naming Inorganic Acids Replace the -ate ending of an anion with “-ic acid” or replace the -ite ending with “-ous acid.” If the anion ends in -ide, add the prefix h


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