7B unit1 Welcome to the unit.ppt

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7B unit1 Welcome to the unit

1. 谈论自己的理想居所,思考不同的居住环境. 2.识别不同国家的标志性建筑. 3.能够说出下列国家的名称及首都: Ottawa /London /Moscow /Paris /Tokyo /Washington DC France/Japan/Russia/the UK/the USA/Canada Why would Eddie like to live next to a restaurant? Which is Eddie’s favourite restaurant? Why does he like the biggest one? Can you guess? Language Points 1. would like to do sth. 2. the +adj.最高级+n. 概念:最高级(Superlative Degree)表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。形容词的最高级前面要加定冠词the。在含有最高级的句子中,常有一个in/of短语来表示比较范围。 结构:the +adj.最高级+被修饰的名词 e.g.: 1.最强壮的男人(strong) 2.最简单的问题(easy)3.最差的一天 (bad) KEY: the strongest man the easiest question the worst day Make conversations. Annie: Which country is this photo from, Simon? Simon: Oh, it’s from Japn. This is Mount Fuji. Annie: I see. Where is it? Simon: It’s near Tokyo. Annie: Is Tokyo the capital of Japan. Simon: Yes, it is. Exercises Fill in the blanks with the words. 1. There are many r________ in Beijing. You can have a nice meal there. 2.Jay Chou is my f_______ because of his songs. 3.The c______ of Russia is Moscow. 4.This apple is the smallest while that one is the b_______. 1. dream homes 梦想家园 2. would like 想要 would like + n. He would like a cup of coffee. Would you like an apple? would like to + v. = want to do. I would like to live next to a restaurant. Would you like to go swimming after school? 3. live in a palace 住在宫殿里 4. next to 在…隔壁/靠近 next to a restaurant 5. big - biggest 最大的 the biggest restaurant 6. the capital of … ……的首都 * Unit 1 Dream homes Welcome to the unit Comic strip and welcome to the unit 学习目标 学习内容 四会内容 词汇: dream /capital 词组: would like to… / live in / next to / the capital of / dream home 句型: Would you like to …? I’d like to … Which is your favourite? The capital of …is … 其他内容: 词汇: palace 词组: the biggest one 1. Have you ever been abroad?


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