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第 29卷 第 1期 Vol:29,No.1 体 育 成 人 教 育 学 刊 Journal of Spots Adult Education 2013年 2月 Feb.2O13 速滑运动员不同陆地恢复性有氧训练效果研究 李彦龙 (1l武汉体育学院 研究生部,湖北 武汉 430079;2。哈 尔滨体育学院 运动系,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150008) 摘 要:采用实验法对12名健将级速滑运动员赛后尿蛋白、尿红细胞和主观体力感觉进行测试,先后将 运动员分为对照组,亚乳酸阈强度、130~140次/分和 1 10~120次/分匀速有氧跑组,训练后间隔4小时蹬 车组,赛后个体乳酸阈心率(30~35)次/分和110~120次/分 自行车恢复组。研究表明,不同陆地恢复性 有氧训练对速滑运动员尿液指标及主观体力感觉影响差异不大,尿蛋白较尿红细胞更能反映运动量的 大小及运动员恢复情况,亚乳酸阈强度匀速跑和乳酸阈心率(30~35)次/分 白行车恢复组尿蛋白及主观 体力感觉恢复效果较好。 关键词:速滑;体能恢复;尿红细胞;尿蛋白;主观体力感觉 中图分类号:G808.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672—268X(2013)01—0063.04 Different Land Restorative Aerobic Training Effect of Speed Skaters LI Yan—long ’ (1.Graduate Dept.,Wuhan Sport Univ.,Wuhan 430079,China; 2.Sport Dept.,Haerbin Inst.ofPhysical Education,Haerbin 150008,China) Abstract:The urine protein,urine red blood cells and subjective feeling of physical strength of the 1 2 excelent speed skaters after competitions are tested.The athletes are divided into different groups,such as control group,lac— tare threshold intensity group,1 30-1 40 times per minute aerobic steady running group,1 1 0-1 20 times per minute aerobic steady running group,after-competition 4 hour interval bicycle group,bicycle restoration group of 30-35 times per minute of individual lactate threshold heart rate,bicycle restoration group of 1 1 0-1 20 times per minute of individual lactate threshold heart rate.The research shows that the different land restorative aerobic training has no significant influence on the urine index and subjective feeling and the urine protein carl reflect the training and resto— ration of the athletes.The lactate threshold intensity steady running group and bicycle restoration group of 30-35 times per minute of individual lactate threshold heart rate have better urine protein and subjective feeling of physical strength. Key words:speed skating;physical restoration;urine red blood cell;urine protein;subjective feeling of physical strength 众所周知,在高强度训练比赛后,通过低强度有氧 训练手段可以缓解运动员疲劳,加快代谢产物的清除, 促进运动员 的机体恢复?。 目前速度滑冰 、短道 速滑 教练员和运


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