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初升高英语衔接知识自主训练(二) Langzi编辑 主从复合句(一) ?? 宾语从句: 1. She said ??????she would leave the message on the headmaster’s desk . ?? A. that????? B. where????? C. which????? D. what 2. Could you tell me ??????? I’m his old friend . ?? A. where does Jim live??????????????? B. when will Jim come back ?? C. where Jim has gone???????????????? D. how is Jim 3. I’m sorry I can’t decide ??????to do . ?? A. what????? B. how???? C. when????? D. where 4. I want to know ???????Mother has put the presents round the Christmas tree . ?? A. when???? B. where???? C. whether???? D. that 5. He hasn’t decide ??????. ?? A. if he’ll go on a trip to Hainan? ? ?B. when will he go on a trip to Hainan ???C. if he goes on a trip to Hainan?? ?? D. when does he go on a trip to Hainan 6. Do you know ??????the population of Shenyang ? ?? A. what is????? B. how much is???? C. what are????D. how many are 7. I don’t know when ??????. When he ??????, I’ll let you know .? ?? A. will he come , will come?????????????B. he will come , comes ?? C. he comes , will come???????????????? D. does he come , comes 8. Do you know if ??????back next week ? If he ??????back , please let me know . ?? A. he comes , will come???????????B. will he come , comes??????? ?? C. he will come , comes?????????? D. will he come , will come 9. —Can you guess if they ??????to play basketball with us ? ? ?—I think they will come if they ??????free . ??? A. come , are????????? B. will come , will be?? ?? ?C. will come , are???? D. come , will be 10. —Do you know ??????? I’m going to see him . —Sorry , I don’t know . ?? A. where does Mr. Li live??????????????B. where did Mr. Li live ?? C. where Mr. Li lives??????????????????D. where Mr. Li lived 11. Could you tell me ??????? ?? A. when shall we start????????????????B. who are you waiting for ?? C. where the bus station is?????????? D. why were you late 12. —What did your son say in the letter ? ?? ?—He told me that he ??????the Disney World the next day . ?? A. will visit?????????? ?B. has visi


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