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本科毕业论文 题  目农村沼气池的建设使用现状调查研究 ---以陕西省蒲城县小董村为例 学生姓名  李 娜 专业名称  地理科学 指导教师  文 彦 君 2014 年 5月 13日 目 录 摘要 I Astract II 1 农村沼气建设使用现状及问题 1 2沼气池建设使用中出现问题的原因 2 2.1客观因素 2 2.1.1沼气原料缺乏 2 2.1.2专业技术人员较少 3 2.2农户自身原因 3 2.2.1农户缺乏沼气意识 3 2.2.2农户操作技术薄弱 4 2.3政府部门原因 4 2.3.1政府投资不足 4 2.3.2服务体系不完善 5 2.3.3宣传和教育培训工作不到位 5 3小董村沼气池健康发展的对策 6 3.1提高农户自身意识 6 3.2强化技术支撑 6 3.3开发沼气原料的来源 6 3.4加大投资力度 7 3.5加强宣传,完善服务体系 7 参考文献 8 致 谢 9 宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文开题报告 10 宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文结题报告 11 宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文答辩报告 12 农村沼气池的建设使用现状调查研究 ——以陕西省蒲城县小董村为例 李娜 (宝鸡文理学院地理与环境学院 陕西宝鸡 721013)nvestigation and study on the the present status of construction and using of rural biogas digester ——Taking Small Dong Village of Pucheng county in Shaanxi Province as an example Li Na (College of Geography and Environment, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Shaanxi Baoji 721013) Abstract: Rural biogas construction in China achieved rapid development in recent years. But problems in the process of using rural biogas construction also gradually exposed, due to the change of rural farming scale, as well as the lack of the farmers’consciousness on biogas. This paper made an in-depth investigation on the biogas construction, use and maintenance, through visiting survey of the residents of Small Dong Village of Pucheng county in Shaanxi province. The investigation and analysis shows that, the main problems in construction and using of Small Dong Village pool are insufficent construction rate, poor post-maintenance and low utilization rate.The main reasons are lack of professional and technical personnel, lack of biogas consciousness and operation technology for rural household, insufficient government investment, imperfect service system, as well as defective public propaganda and education work. Key words:ural biogas digester, construction of using, investigation and study 20世纪70年代起,我国开始在农村推广沼气。2000年始,农村沼气发展得到了中央和地方的大力支持,进入了一个快速发展的阶段。农村沼气作


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