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* Welcome to the unit 单词回顾 学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。 come on ourselves enjoy oneself Australia take care 来吧;赶快 pron. 我们自己 玩得愉快 澳大利亚 保重 Words phrases review coffee top president wide steel ton n. 咖啡 n. 顶部,(物体的)上面 n. 总统,国家主席 adj. ……宽的;宽广的 n. 钢 n. 吨 Words review To learn to make a simple plan for a day trip To learn to tell about some famous places in foreign countries To learn to talk about the places you are interested in Objectives TALK If you are free, what are you going to do? What do you think Eddie is going to do? Let’s have a look. Listen and answer the questions. He is going to exercise. He is going to climb a hill. No, it isn’t. What is Eddie going to do? Is it a real hill? Questions 1. What foreign countries do you know? The USA, the UK, Canada, Germany … 2. Do you know these famous buildings? the Sydney Opera House the Eiffel Tower the White House Ask and answer: Washington Sydney Paris France the USA Australia 3. Do you know where they are located? Amy and Simon are reading some postcards from their friends. Read the back of the postcards and answer the questions. Where are they? Hi Amy, Yesterday I took a boat trip under the famous Habour Bridge and went past the Sydney Opera House. I’m having a great time in Australia! Take care! Nick Who sent this postcard? Which city did he go to? What did he see there? Nick. He went to Sydney. He saw the famous Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. Hi Amy, We’re sitting in a little coffee shop by the River Seine. We’re going to the top of the Eiffel Tower this afternoon! All the best, Leo Who sent this postcard? What did he see there? What was he going to do that afternoon? Leo. He saw the River Seine. He was going to visit the Eiffel Tower. Simon Flat 01, 6/F, Block 3 City Garden Ninth Street Sunshine Town Beijing 100000 China Hi Simon, I saw the White House today. It is a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees. The President of the USA live



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