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设计题目 7B Unit 1 Welcome to the unit 教学内容 The topic of this unit is “Dream Home”. In this period, we will learn something more about different countries and capitals. Students will learn more places of great interest in different countries, and can talk about these places of interest with partners. Meanwhile, some vocabulary will also be introduced. Also, we will lead students t to talk about their ideal dream homes and lead them to think about different living environment. 教学对象 The seventh grade students have learned something about different countries, but they may not know the capitals and places of great interest in different countries. In this period, they will be taught how to express countries and capitals in English and some symbolic buildings in different countries. 教学目标 Talk about their dream homes. Students are led to think about different living places. Identify different symbolic buildings in different countries. Acknowledge different expressions of countries and their capitals. 教学策略 1. Use pictures to help them Identify different symbolic buildings in different countries. 2. Consolidate different countries and capitals by matching the countries with capitals. 3. Improve spoken English by free talk. 4. Students are led to think about different living places by talking about their dream homes. 课前准备 见《学案与测评》 教学过程(可续页) 教学步骤 所 用 时 间 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计说明 Step 1. Lead in Step 2. Presentation Step 3 Pracice Step 4 Discussion Step 5 Pracise Step 6. Comic strip Step7. Homework min 10 min 10min 6min 6min 10min Show the picture of Tian’an men Square and ask “Where is it?” “Have you ever been to Beijng?” etc. And says Beijing is the capital of China, and I have a dream, that is I want to visit Beijing this summer. Teach“capital, dream” 1. Show students some pictures of the landmark buildings and


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