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2014级八年级下册综合检测 (考试时间:120分钟, 满分:150分) 第卷(共100分)( )1. A. Yes . B. Great . C. Thanks . ( )2. A. See you . B. Goodbye . C. Nice to meet you . ( )3. A. You are right . B. Have fun . C. That’ OK . ( )4. A. Yes , I can . B. Sure , I’d love to . C. Yes , I do . ( )5. A. This is Tom speaking . B. Who are you ? C. I’m Tom . ( )6. A. Thank you . B. It’s OK . C. I’m sorry . 第二节 对话理解。(每小题1.5分,共9分) ( )7. A. Yes , he is . B. No , he isn’t . C. No , he wasn’t . ( )8. A. On foot . B. By bike . C. By bus . ( )9. A. Sunny . B. Rainy . C. Snowy . ( )10. A. The first floor . B. The second floor . C. The third floor . ( )11. A. At 10:20 . B. At 10:30 . C. At 10:40 . ( )12. A. She is ill . B. She doesn’t study well .C.She lost her math book . 第三节 短文理解。(每小题1.5分,共12分) A ( )13. Jeremy Shu-How Lin is a __________ player of the New York Knicks . A. tennis B. football C. basketball ( )14. Lin was born in __________ . A. Taiwan B. California C. New York ( )15. Now he is __________ years old . A. 22 B. 23 C. 24 ( )16. Lin used to be a student in __________ University . A. Yale B. Stanford C. Harvard B ( )17. Zhang Min took a trip to __________ in 2009 . A. America B. Canada C. Austrialia ( )18. Zhang Min had trouble with the ________ when he was there in 2009 . A. language B. food C. weather ( )19.For Luo Shuang it was a great challenge to live in the dorm because _____ . A. she was a shy girl . B. she loved her parents . C. she had never left her parents before that . ( )20. After Luo Shuang got over all these difficulties , she felt __________ . A. lonely B. proud C. sorry II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) ( )21. --- What can I do for you ? --- I want __________ MP4 player for my daughter . A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )22. —Taiwan is an island of China. Could you tell m


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