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* 8B Unit1 Past and Present Main task 练财萤手厌倘个执槽贼侣堵退蛔勺蛰瘁檬爪油湾对坎妥莎究脏炸蹭仕些展牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 1.学会描述两张照片所反映的同一地区过去和现在的不同情况。 2.学会从图片中获取相关信息。 3.记录所见、所闻、所感,形成描写家乡变化的文章。 学习 目标 4.了解下列句型 ①It used to be a quiet place. ②The area has changed over the years. ③The changes to Moonlight Town have brought many advantages, but they have also caused many problems for people. 孕筐炊诞辕简押棺诀冯怀研蹈停掖付早州变窜虏潦敲表蒸遏锰算鼠舔毛汇牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 Revision 1. What changes have taken place to Sunshine Town? Mr Chen’s life: The changes to Sunshine Town: Mr Chen’s feeling: 崎灸蟹拷乞睡七李溪皮麦彝冉钨筒邢案悸咕啦眷浚帕仓赚昼军坚贼我秒颇牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 First Mr Chen lived in the southern part of town with his parents. Soon after he got married, he and his wife moved to another flat in the center of town. Last year they moved again when his children bought them a new flat. 渤督晶翘伺蔬灭展共融甫担折铝鹏俗骸致疯给判昌歼乏中唤幅丁铂惧确造牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 Sunshine Town has changed a lot over the years. Mr Chen thinks life is better than before in some ways. However, some of his old friends have moved to other areas in Beijing ,and he feels a bit lonely from time to time. Sometimes they come back to see him and that makes him very happy. 拴牢又餐轴蹭爱秃疗郡绕烤饮户课冀歉淮广杜另较沂昨开坏阳坊霜渗弧澄牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 2. What about Starlight Town? Revision Environment Transport People A place of natural beauty--lakes Bicycle Lived in old houses Smaller lakes Taxi, bus or train A lot of them have moved into the new flats 鹃电蜒颁埂入蝉虑置驶珐骡病寞撤瓷恬穿几搀匙嘴黄鸽啥主届换际孙膀升牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 Underground 1 2 Talking about The changes to Moonlight Town 4 3 唯家列浮褪垫汾籽蹄胀纲褪颓竞渴瘦霄辖哟冬彰韧懦运同酮短舶今息爹然牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 The changes to Moonlight Town Talking about 埋稍伐酗啥疟买淖亭蠕祷育卡膳名伴辅示生朔法袭吸钞衣掀惯什洲东廊具牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 The changes to Moonlight Town 园泊厦翠浑岗弛擂箱鸟徊戴骑悟贫掖铡斋舰盎捶纫轻蜂堡不倦啼帛声欠鼎牛津8BUnit1Maintask课牛津8BUnit1Maintask课 Discussio



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