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The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle. Oracle/Sun S7000统一存储系统 改变您的存储系统的时刻到来了 Insert Picture Here Agenda ? 统一存储产品概述 ? 如何提高存储性能 ? 如何简化存储管理 ? 如何降低IT运营成本 ? 丰富强大的软件功能 ? 产品系列介绍/应用环境 ? 总结 T10KA CAM VSM4 SL8500 V2X VSM3 20多年来不断推进存储技术的创新 ...我们已经加快了脚步 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 4410 9310 9490 SVA 9710 T9840A L-Series SVA 9393 VSM2 T9940A SVA 9500 VSM5 SL3000 CAM3 T9840D S7000 Thumper ZFS KMS1 T10KB 2008 KMS2 IAS S6780 x4540 J4000 6140 SL500 更加强大的Oracle/Sun存储产品 1. Significant technology upgrades across the portfolio in the last 18 months 2. Grew the Storage business 4 of last 6 quarters 3. Over 2/3rds global HPC accounts use Sun Storage 4. Ranked #1 in the Tape Automation “Archive” market 5. Selling 2x the enterprise libraries since the StorageTek acquisition 6. Ranked #1 in the UNIX Disk Array market 7. Grew the Enterprise Disk business 5 consecutive quarters 8. Leading the Open Storage revolution! 9. Unified Storage awarded “top 10” announcement in 2008 by eWeek 10. ZFS awarded “best file system” in 2008 by InfoWorld Over 37% of the worlds archived data resides on Sun sources: Market Analysts (IDC and Gartner) and Industry Press (eWeek and InfoWorld) Sun Storage 7000 统一存储系统简介 迅速地简化 数据管理的方式,带来 前所未有的性能、扩展 性和成本节约 Sun Storage 7000: 统一存储概述 统一存储: 统一存储:同时支持SAN/NAS/IP-SAN 开放的数据格式, 开放的数据协议 技术创新 卓越的ZFS 文件系统和 “混合存储池” 内置强大的DTrace分析系统 创造了存储的新规则 ZFS文件系统+闪存+SATA盘组合,产生最 佳的$/G, $/IOP, $/MB/s, W/IOP, W/MB/s 取消了软件许可费用,后续投资成本透明 ,降低系统的整体拥有成本 SAN NAS IP-SAN Integrated Platform 改变存储的昂贵形象 领先的产品设计和技术 最多节约75%的成本 没有额外的软件费用 最多可


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