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Cultural / Civic 文化建设/公共建筑 The use of an asterisk (“*”) denotes projects upon which Ming Zhang performed work during his employment with MG2 Corporation. The drawings and photographs of such projects are the property of MG2 and appear here with MG2’s permission. 1.三省文化的交融 江西上饶市北接安微,东邻浙江,南靠福州,优雅的把三省文 化之精髓融为一体,形成了文化构建和谐的社区特色。 2。三山一湖的美丽山水 上饶是一个充满自然美的山水城市。紧邻世界自然文化遗产的 三大山川:三清山,龟峰和灵山(武夷山脉的一部分),和全 国最大湖泊鄱阳湖。 3.上饶位于长三角经济区、海西经济区、鄱阳湖生态经济区三 区交汇处,由于得天独厚的区位经济优势和丰富的自然资源,上 饶在中国历史上被称为“上乘富饶,八方通衢”之地。 建筑设计概念来源于上饶鲜明的特点:代表着三个省份,三座 名山,三个经济区。 三条类似于其侧翼的结构构成了其具有凝 聚力的建筑形态,并在它的中心创造出一个室外雕塑花园。动 态的建筑形式和流动的建筑空间十分贴切的传达了城市的精神 所在。 1. Three provinces blend into one harmonious culture: Shangrao north of Anwei, eastern Zhejiang, southern Fuzhou. The essence of the three provinces form one culture, harmonious community. 2. Three mountains and one lake beautiful landscape Shangrao is a city full of natural beauty. Close to the worlds natural and cultural heritage of the three major mountains: Sanqingshan, Guifeng and Lingshan (Wuyi Mountains is part of), and the countrys largest lake Poyang Lake. 3. Shangrao is located in the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, Hercynian Economic Zone, Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, three interchanges, due to the unique location of the economic advantages and rich natural resources, Shangrao in Chinese history As superior and rich, P Plus thoroughfare of the land. The concept of architectural design comes from the distinctive characteristics of the Shangrao in the above: three representative provinces, three famous mountains and three economic zones, three similar to its flank structure constitute its cohesive architectural form, and in it The center creates an outdoor sculpture garden. Dynamic architectural form and flowing architectural space is very appropriate To convey the spirit of the city. Civic 公共建筑 Shangrao Art Museum 上饶美术馆,江西上饶 建筑设计理念来源于二方面: 一是上饶鲜明的地域特色:主体建筑造型为三个旋臂向外螺旋上升,寓意为上饶市三省 交融的和谐文化和三山一湖的美丽山水。欢动的三翼围合成的中心意喻着“八方通衢” 的上饶。 二是传统中国文化和美学的精神:三个流线体


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