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编号: 本科学生毕业设计(论文) 题 目:__ 系部名称:______________ 专业名称:______________ 年 级:______________ 学生姓名:______________ 学 号:______________ 指导教师:__ 职称/学历:____ 成 绩 评 定 评价方式 及比例 指导教师 评价(60%) 评阅人 评价(20%) 答辩小组 评价(20%) 最终 成绩 评定 等级 成 绩 折算后成绩 ●评定等级标准:“优”(90分以上); “良”(80~89); “中”(70~79); “及格”(60~69); “不及格”(60以下). 年 月 日 数 学 系 制 四川民族学院本科学生毕业设计(论文) 承 诺 书 本人承诺:在即将开始的毕业论文(设计)过程中,严格遵守学术道德规范和学校纪律,在学院和指导教师的安排与指导下,独立完成毕业论文(设计)工作,不弄虚作假,不请人代做毕业论文(设计)或抄袭别人的成果.按照“四川民族学院毕业论文(设计)规定”的要求,完成毕业论文(设计)的撰写、答辩、装订整理等工作. 学生签名: 年 月 日 导师签名: 年 月 日 摘 要; ABSTRACT Paper from the understanding of “Geometer’s Sketchpad” and its application in the high school teaching launched the discussion. At first elaborate the necessity and the practical significance of applying “Geometer’s Sketchpad” to assist mathematics teaching; Next from aspect software history, function, characteristic and so on made the detailed introduction to “Geometer’s Sketchpad”, this software terse and forceful, the function is formidable, can the dynamic performance correlation object relations, suit the teacher to need from to arrange the miniature class according to the teaching. The paper took “Geometer’s Sketchpad” in the high school mathematics teaching application as an example, elaborated it in the field research application. separately from “Geometer’s Sketchpad” algebra teaching application in the high school , three-dimensional geometry teaching application in the high school, plane analytic geometry teaching application in the high school and so on the various aspects, elaborated “Geometer’s Sketchpad” the usability and used “ Geometer’s Sketchpad” to compare other similar


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