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“Certain gentlemen of other days. Who made of drinking one of the pleasures of life — not one of its evils; who, whatever they drank, proved able to carry it, keep their heads, and remain gentlemen.” (The Old Waldorf Astoria bar book, 1935) “昔日君子风度,一饮天下甘醇,仍可谈笑鸿儒。“ (出于1935年华尔道夫旧版酒吧指南) WELCOME TO THE LONG BAR The Shanghai Club, opened on 6th January 1911, was famed for its ‘Long Bar’ – and it was long – stretching 110 feet 7 inches along the south face of the building. The established taipans, or big bosses, would gather at the end of the bar near the waterfront whilst newcomers to Shanghai, known as ‘griffins,’ would be relegated to the murky depths of the tavern. The club’s brand of respectable hospitality was far from open to all. When Club chairman, W.A. C. Platt, opened the building, he asserted that it was to be run on the principle of ‘the greatest happiness of the greatest number.’ Membership was hugely expensive and subject to a members’ ballot where four out of five had to be in agreement. Women, of course, were not permitted to enter and were only admitted on very rare occasions throughout the Club’s History. (Peter Hibbard – The Bund Shanghai China Faces West) 欢迎光临廊吧 1911年1月6日开业的英商上海总会廊吧只有会员方可入 内,即便是会员也是论资排辈,据说新人靠西,资深者 靠东。号称远东第一长吧台(110英尺,即33.5米)东 面临窗,各路洋行大班们云集于此。 曾为上海滩规格最高的社交娱乐场所,上海总会由古至 今散发着与生俱来的奢华典雅气质。当上海总会主席 W.A. C. Platt先生开业上海总会之时 ,为了保证上海总 会的高贵气质,设立了严格的会员投票制度,女士不允 许进入或是只在极少数场合允许进入。 (出于Peter Hibbard 《上海滩中国遇见西方》) CONTENTS 目录 Champagne 4 香槟 Martini Cocktails 5 马天尼鸡尾酒 Waldorf Classics 7 华尔道夫经典 Long Bar Signatures 10 廊吧经典 Temperance Cocktails 12 不含酒精的鸡尾酒 Brews 13 啤酒 Vodka 14 伏特加 Gin 15 金酒 Rum 16 朗姆酒 Mexican Spirits 17 墨西哥风情 Whisky Collection 18 单一麦芽威士忌精选 Rare Vintage 16 高档稀有威士忌 Single Malt – Lowland 19 单一麦芽威士忌-低地 Single Malt – Highland 20 单一麦芽威士忌-高地 Single Malt – Speyside 21 斯佩塞 Single Malt – Campbeltown 23 坎贝尔镇威士忌 Single Malt – Islay 24 艾雷岛 Scottish Blend Whiskies 25 苏格兰混合威士忌 Irish Whiskies 25 爱尔兰威士忌 American Wh


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