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中国实用妇科与产科杂志 2014年9月第30卷第9期 22(1): 1-10. [3] 周青, 肖红梅. 中医药治疗复发性生殖器疱疹的研究进 展[J].中医药导报, 2012, (11): 92-94. [4] Chelimo C, Wouldes TA, Cameron LD,et al. Riskfactors for and prevention of human papillomavirus s(HPV),genital warts and cervical cancer[J]. Infect, 2013, 66(3): 207-217. [5] Weinberg CR.HPV screening for cervical cancer in rural In? dia[J]. N Engl J Med, 2009, 361(3): 305-306. [6] Castellsagué X, Díaz M, de Sanjosé S,et al.Worldwide human papilloma virus etiology of cervical adenocarcinoma and its co? fac- tors:implications for screening and prevention[J].J Natl Cancer Inst,2006, 98(5): 303-315. [7] Arnheim Dahlstr?m L, Andersson K, Luostarinen T,et al. Pro? spective seroepidemiologic study of human papillomavirus and other risk factors in cervical cancer[J]. Cancer Epidemiol Bio? markers Prev, 2011, 20(12): 2541-2550. (2014-05-16收稿) 文章编号:1005-2216(2014)09-0675-05 尖锐湿疣的诊治 秦君璞,张帝开 摘要:尖锐湿疣是一种由人类乳头瘤病毒引起的 性传播疾病,临床治疗过程中存在着病毒根除 难、患者依从性差、易复发等特点。文章重点针 对尖锐湿疣近些年的国内外诊治方法进行总结, 以期对临床诊治有所启迪。 关键词:尖锐湿疣;人乳头瘤病毒 中图分类号:R759 文献标志码:C Diagnosis and treatment of condyloma acuminate. QIN Jun- pu,ZHANG Di- kai.The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat- sen University,Guangzhou 510655,China Correspondig author:ZHANG Di-kai,E-mail:diopen@ 21 Abstract: Condyloma acuminata is a sexually trans? mitted disease arising from human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.The characters of its treatment include being difficult to fight HPV,patients’poor compliance and high recurrence rate.This article summarizes many kinds of therapy at home and abroad in treatment of condyloma acuminate,in order to be of importance to clinical diagnosis and treatment. Keywords:condyloma acuminate;human papilloma? virus 尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminate,CA)是一种由人乳头 瘤病毒(HPV)感染引起的鳞状上皮疣状增生病变,属于生 殖道性传播疾病。其潜伏期为 3周至 8个月,初发时患者 常无自觉症状,病变增大后有搔痒、压迫感及性交后疼痛 不适。妊娠期合并CA的妇女分娩时可因产道接触导致新 生儿感染,引起新生儿咽喉乳头瘤病、结膜乳头瘤病。CA 因其复发性、难治性及可能导致癌变,一直是临床中棘手 的问题。 1 发病率 CA发病率居我国性传播疾病的第 2位,仅次于淋病, 近些年来有上升趋势。最高发病率集中在 16~24岁,处于 性活跃期的女性是CA的高危人群。不同地区及人群间CA 发病率存在差异。Hoy等[1]报道美


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