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Model 8 Words Study for Unit 1 Welcome Reading 1. classic 传统的; 典型的; 有权威的 n. 名著, 经典著作 课文句:What is classic literature? Classics are the antiques of the literary. 什么是经典文学?经典文学作品是文学世界的珍贵遗产。 e.g. the classics of Marxism-Leninism马列主义经典著作 Her daughter is particulary likes reading the classics of English literature. 她女儿特别喜欢读英国古典文学名著。 classical adj.古典的, 正统派的, 古典文学的 classify vt.分类, 分等 ☆2. received adj. 公认的; 被承认的,被认可的 = be recoganized by; be welcomed by 课文句:They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well Written and well received that people still read them today. 它们很久以前创作的小说、戏剧和诗歌,写得好,很受欢迎、直至今日人们仍然在 阅读这些作品。 e.g. His speech was very well received. The book was well received by middle students. 3. wisdom n. 智慧; 学识; 明智 课文句:They are examples of great writing and wisdom, and even those written encturies ago can still be found in bookshops and libraries today.经典文学是杰出的创作及智慧的典 范,即使是几年前写的那些作品,现在依然可以在书店和图书馆里找到。 e.g. One cannot have wisdom without living life.一个人不经历生活不可能有智慧 In those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations 在那些朴实的谚语中蕴含着几代人集体智慧的结晶 wise adj. 聪明的, 英明的, 明智的 wiser adj. 聪明的,贤明的 4. dust 民灰尘, 尘土, 尘埃 课文句:This makes them difficult for some people to read, and often, the classics are left to gather dust on shelves. 这使一些人阅读起来有困难,经典文学作品常常被遗忘在书 架上尘封。 e,g. The dust was blown about by the wind. His clothes were covered with dust. ☆5. release发表, 发行, 释放, 解放, 放弃 课文句: In 1995, Clueless, the award-winning film based on Jane Austen’s novel Emma, was released. 1995年,《无影无踪》公映,这部获奖影片就是根据简·奥斯丁的小说 《爱玛》改编的。 e.g. The new film will be released next month. 这部新的电影下个月发行。 He was released from prison after serving his sentence. 他刑满获释。 After the reform, the productive force was released.改革以后,生产力得到了解放。 ☆6. adaptation n. 适应, 改编, 改写本; 适应 课文句: Three years later, in 1998, a modern adaptation of the Charles Dickens’s novel Great Expectations appeared in cinemas.三年后的


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