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词汇能力训练 一、单词拼写。 1. His hand shook slightly as he i__________ the key into the lock. 2. The f____________ of a hammer is to hit nails into wood. 3. The room is 10 meters in l and 5 in breadth. 4. —Would you please give me a hand? —With p . 5. U to sleep at night, I got up to make myself a glass of milk. 6. I made five a for jobs but got nothing. 7. I tried to get through, but there were too many people b my way. 8. Large q of water are needed for cooling purpose. 9. The air in the room is not pure. Do you have any way to p it? 10. An (可调节的) electric lamp can be placed in various positions. 11. Some language experts make an attempt to (使标准化) spelling. 12. He likes the (当代的) art. 13. We must make (安排) for the meeting. 14. The (症状) dont appear until a few days after you’re infected. 15. Take the medicine to (缓解) the headache. 二、单项选择。 1. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _________ each year. A. is washing away B. is being washed away C. are washing away D. are being washed away 2. As a result of destroying the forests, a large ________ of desert ________ covered the land. A. number … has B. quantity … has C. number … have D. quantity … have 3. —Brad was Jane’s brother. —___________ he reminded me so much of Jane! A. No doubt B. Above all C. No wonder D. Of course 4. We are trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we ________ your number incorrectly. A. looked up B. took down C. worked out D. brought about 5. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane ________. A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off 6. He accidentally _________ he had quarreled w


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