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How Tunnels Are Built如何开挖隧道After the general direction for a tunnel has been determined,the next steps are a geological survey of the site and a series of borings to obtain specific information on the strata through which the tunnel may pass .The length and cross section of a tunnel generally are governed by the use for which it is intended , but its shape must be designed to provide the best resistance to internal and external forces .Generally ,a circular or nearly circular shape is chosen.在一条隧道的大致方向定下来之后,下一步就是调查隧道沿途地层的钻孔资料并获取具体的地层信息。隧道长度和横断面通常由其用途决定,但是其形状必须设计成对内外荷载产生最佳抗力的形式。通常会选择圆形或近似的圆形。In very hard rock ,excavation usually is accomplished by drilling and blasting .In soft to medium-hard rock ,a tunnel-boring machine typically does the excavating work . In soft ground , excavation usually is accomplished by digging or by advancing a shield and squeezing the soft material into the tunnel. In underwater tunneling ,a shield is used to advance the work .Another method of building an underwater tunnel is to sink tubular sections into a trench dug at the bottom of a river or other body of water.在非常坚硬的岩石中,通常采用钻机和爆破开挖。在软弱到中硬岩石,采用隧道挖掘机是典型的开挖方式。在软弱土层,通常采用盾构和挤压软弱土质的方式向前推进。在所有岩石或土层的开挖方式中,淤泥土要被收集起来运出隧道。在开挖水下隧道时,要采用盾构向前推进。另一种开挖水下隧道的方法是将深管放入河底或水中其他位置的已开挖的深沟中。Hard-rock tunneling .Short tunnels through hard rock are driven only from the portals , but longer ones usually are driven also from one or more intermediate shafts .Some long tunnels have been built with the aid of a small pilot tunnel driven parallel to the main tunnel and connected with it by crosscuts at intervals . The pilot tunnel not only furnishes additional points of access but also a route for removing muck and for ventilation ducts and drainage line.硬岩隧道穿过硬岩石短隧道仅从入口开挖,但是较长的隧道通常是从一个或几个地方同时开挖。有些长隧道是在平行于主隧道开挖的小型导洞辅助下建造的。导洞与主隧道之间每隔一段距离由横巷连通。导洞不仅是通道的附属设施也是运土,通风,排水的通路。Another method is the heading-and-bench system ,formerly used on most large tunnels because it required smaller amounts of powder and permitted simultan


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