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资产管理系统在机械租赁行业的应用Fleet management systems are providing companies with new levels of detailed data, however determining what the exact effect is on a company’s profit margin can be difficult. Geoffrey Marsh of Marsh Plant Hire believes that he’s discovered a way to do it. Zak Garner-Purkis paid the firm a visit in order to find out more.车队管理系统,为企业提供一个新的水平的详细数据,但是可以确认的是确切地影响一个公司的利润率可能会很困难。Marsh Plant租赁杰弗里·马什认为他发现了一个办法做到这一点。扎克加纳Purkis的支付公司,以便找到更多的访问。The key is turning human activity into numbers, and then comparing data correctly, and its a real skill to interpret this, says Geoffrey Marsh, Marsh Plants chairman, explaining how his business has used a range of data to make its hire fleet as profitable as possible. Marsh is the driving force behind the firm, which he took over from his father as managing director in 1967. Earlier this year, Marsh Plant Hire celebrated 50 years at its Head Office in New Lane, Havant, Southern England.说:“关键是把人的动作变成数字,然后正确的比较数据,和它是一个真正的技能来解释这个”Marsh Plant的主席杰弗里·马什,解释如何他的企业已经使用的数据范围作出其租赁车队作为尽可能盈利。达信公司,这是他为董事总经理,他的父亲在1967年接手的原动力。今年早些时候,Marsh Plant租赁庆祝50年,其总部设在新里,哈文特,英格兰南部。However, rather than dwelling on its past glories Marsh Plant is looking for new methods to assist the process of turning human activity into useful data. Recently, the company has been using telematics computer software, to help them identify the most and least profitable machines in its fleet.然而,而不是纠缠于过去的辉煌Marsh Plant正在寻找新的方法来协助把人类活动的过程中,转化为有用的数据。最近,该公司已经使用远程信息处理计算机软件,以帮助他们确定最赚钱和最不赚钱的机器。The Skyline Telematics software from Enigma Systems lets the rental firm monitor its cranes in a range of different ways. The first and most noticeable feature of the system is the security it provides: each machine requires a code to operate, and an engine cannot be switched on without the user possessing the correct number. This means no machine can be used without permission being given beforehand and that management is always in control of who is accessing the machines. There are two t


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