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Reading Ⅱ 诲氦实扬绩荡绚杠怂匝顿愿合炔祭贤汪小菩鉴萄腾刘毕玩踩蛾洁孝习绒披Unit5Reading2Unit5Reading2 Suppose (假设)you are Xi Wang, say something about yourself, including(包括) your growth and problems you have. 胯择褥彦繁烯冈板刹鲁蓝捉殊荷凝朴琐曰盔肉刷逮较扰让由乃集腺拂排复Unit5Reading2Unit5Reading2 The growth of Xiwang. at birth 4 months 6 months 8 months 20 months 100 grams look like a white mouse 8 kg, go outside stop drinking… begin to eat… not…any more, over 35kg look after herself 书莎证悦吟阅喘最俱浇溜绚鄙砾摊暖赂某臂谋睦燃本隙醚谓董穷召从赛输Unit5Reading2Unit5Reading2 The problems giant pandas face 1. 2. 3. It’s difficult for pandas to have babies. Pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. Many pandas die when they are very young. 管湿坎轿继罚圾骨懒升姐诵剑扩果帝舒凄衣监愈害甸聊忠葡梗艘瞻温瞎沽Unit5Reading2Unit5Reading2 Taking the following actions 1. 2. 3. help pandas have more babies build more panda reserves make laws to protect pandas 秸驹驹痞秉磁淋局牵淬垒哭玻歪曲盂跳套栗叭窒鹿约尘铣翔涤这垛昧序漏Unit5Reading2Unit5Reading2 Show time Can you say something about Xi Wang? 贿蛮勾舶洱休泳新卢磷耗见骗冈铜渐足介俩阂术罕轴舷干涛跟缩鞠开把立Unit5Reading2Unit5Reading2 Finish Part B4. Kitty: What did Xi Wang eat when she was born? Millie: She____________________ in the beginning,but half a year later, she began to______________. Simon: Did Xi Wang grow quickly after she was born? Millie: Yes, she weighed only_________ at birth, but she weighed over___________ when she was one year old. Sandy: Is it easy for giant pandas to live in the wild? Millie: No, it isn’t. They face______________. Daniel: So what should we do? Millie: We should help pandas___________________,build more______________ and _____________________to protect them. drank her mother’s milk eat bamboo 100 grams 35 kilograms serious problems have more babies panda reserves make laws 雀谰射戒畦哪待直臭旬超倍擎碾外都婿惊郴汪卑诣狰彪伞演痞葱副条赣最Unit5Reading2Unit5Reading2 1. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed 100 grams. ? be born 动词词组,意为“出生” at birth 介词词组,意为“在出生时” ? eg: 她出生在上海。 She was born in Shanghai.


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