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Unit 3 Our animal friends 第一课时 教学内容 Story time(text, match and say, Think and write) 教学目标 1.能理解文章内容,用正确的语音语调朗读短文,并初步复述。 2. 正确运用日常交际用语I have animal friends. It’s/They’re …. It/They can .... It has/They have …. 3. 能正确的听、说、读 单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing. 4. 通过学习培养学生对动物的热爱. 教学重难点 1.能正确文章内容,用正确的语音语调朗读短文,并初步复述. 2.会说会读单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing. 教学过程 Step1. Warm up Lead in 1. T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Do you like songs? Let’s enjoy a song: Head shoulders knees and toes. Ss: Listen, move and enjoy a song 通过欢乐的歌曲渲染学习氛围。感受新知,引出话题。 Step2. Presentation 1. T: 出示人物身体图片,提出问题: What body parts do you know? S1: I know head. S2:I know eyes. (学生学过五官名词,可能会说歌曲里听到的和课外积累的,但主要学习今天的四个新词。) 2.PPT热键出现四个身体部位单词 : car, farm—arm; red, egg—leg, look book—foot. T: I have two feet. One is my left foot, the other is my right foot. Learn to read and understand the new words: body, arm, foot, leg. 温故知新,开放式问题激活学生思维,以旧引新,学习单词。 3.组织游戏:Quick Response T: Do you remember them? Try to remember. Let’s play a game. Listen to me carefully and touch quickly. For example, “Touch your head”, you say “Touch my head” and do it quickly. Ss: 听听做做,快速反应: “Touch my …” 用游戏巩固新单词 3. T: You are so fast. Great! Now, attention. Touch your tail and wings. T: Do we have tails? Ss: 疑惑。 PPT出示tail图片 Ss: 理解新词, 学习回答We have no tails or wings. 由游戏自然引出动物身体部位,从谈论人向谈论动物过渡。 T: What animas have tails? What animals have wings? Ss: 练读单词并回答…has a (big/ long/ short) tail. T:Animals are lovely. They are our good friends. The students are talking about their animal friends today. Look! Who are they? Ss:They’re Mike/ Liu Tao/ Su Yang/Nancy. T:What body parts do you see? What animals are they talking about? Ss: A dog/ rabbit/ two fish/ parrot. 整体呈现语篇,听力理解,把握大意和相关信息 T: Who are their friends? Listen and match. Ss: Listen and match. Check. Nancy has two fish. T: Can you say it in another way? 引导学生逐幅图校对,尝试用不同表达。 Ss: Nancy likes two fish. Two fish are Nancy’s friends. 鼓励学生用多种表达陈述同样的意思,丰富学生表达。 T:


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